16- Chunin Exams: Part 1

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Izumi's POV:

Itachi and I went to the academy which was around the center of the village. The written exams were going to be held there. The moment we went in, we were greeted with a bunch of glares and silence. It was an uncomfortable atmosphere but we didn't care and went straight to our seats which was beside each other. Although we were in the same row, we weren't in the same table but we were just directly across from each other. The glaring intensified and one of the boys stood up looking down on us. "Chunin Exams aren't meant for children like you, why don't you leave right now?" This is getting annoying. His eyes landed on me, more specifically, my chest. "Change of plans, why don't you come with me?" He reached out to me before Itachi intercepted and broke his arm. Something I taught him to do which helped Itachi break people's bones easily.

The boy yelped and glared at Itachi who returned it, giving him a death glare. The boy immediately cowered with his eyes widened. I could see why, Itachi somehow had a crow, appearing like a ghost behind him staring daggers at the boy like it was staring into his soul. Even though he's a side character, the show certainly knows how to make him look like a villain. It's literally like the God of Death is staring into your soul. It made sense, crow superstitions are believed to be negative signs. Seeing one means an omen of some sort and so on until seeing 6 of them means death or was it 5? Eh, whatever. Right now, Itachi looks like one of those op main characters from those novels where the male lead had a difficult childhood so they had to work hard to become the best which turned them into some what of an emo edge lord. If not, they're at least somewhat distant to those close to them or they don't know how to communicate with others which is the perfect definition of Itachi.

Anyways, as the boy cowered from Itachi's glare, a tall, intimidating man kicked the doors open. He was wearing a long brown coat with a black shirt on the inside. Baggy black pants paired with shinobi sandals. His face had many scars. From burns, deep cuts and more. Everyone was shocked by it except for me and Itachi. I was a sensor, so I sensed him a while ago and told Itachi about it. Not only that we knew that the proctor would have to look intimidating since chunin exams aren't for children. Even though we are children but we're a different type of children. The man sat on the podium with an evil grin on his face. Is he a rip-off of Ibikki or something?


-please stand by-

AND FU@&$#!,

-please stand by-

LISTEN UP!" Oh great, he's a mixture of Hidan and Ibikki. "ALL OF YOU FU-$@#%

-please stand by-

WILL BE TAKING A WRITTEN EXAM!!" His voice boomed throughout the room, possibly the building as well. "IF ANY OF YOU F-@$#%*

-please stand by-

CHEAT, THEN YOU AND YOUR TEAM IS OUT AND YOU'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO TAKE THE EXAMS EVER AGAIN!!" The room exploded with lots of protest while Itachi merely had amusement swimming in his eyes, seems like he figured out the real purpose of the written exams. He's as perspective as ever. He looked over to me while I nodded, indicating I knew the true purpose of the exam. We tuned the rest out until we got our papers. I looked at my paper with a deadpanned expression. This is... 'Absurdly easy...' Yeah.... My eyes were scanning through the paper, looking at the questions. Why are they all history questions? 'The Kazekage got dumber.' That's one way to explain it.

I finished them with ease and flipped over my paper while I subtly took a look at Itachi's paper. Seems like he finished it with ease as well and had a deadpanned expression on that literally said "Seriously?". Even Itachi seems to think those questions are dumb. 'Who wouldn't? No one quizzes people mid battle about history!' He looked over to me while I gave him a peace sign. Then the boy from before who sat beside me nudged me. I looked at him and knew what he wanted but I ignored it. Go cheat off someone else's paper. The chunin is literally right next to you! Yeah, one of the chunins that the genins were suppose to copy off of was sitting next to the boy. "Just flip over your paper!" The boy whispered harshly. I gave him a deadpanned look, "And why should I?" I signed in annoyance.

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