1 (Encounter)

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It's a great morning for everyone in the farm, all are busy with each assigned tasks to do. But despite of being occupied, comradery will always be seen.

"Sawatdii! Everyone, did you have your breakfast before going here?" an old man with a walking stick asked them.

They all bowed to greet him and went silent in an instant and looked at each other.

"Aha what is that?? You skipped breakfast again? Hmm not good! Feed your stomach first before going to a whole day work." he told them. They keep nodding to what their boss says.

"Proceed to the quarters each one of you." he commanded and everyone followed quickly.

As they headed there, someone immediately greeted them.

"Sawatdii! The food is ready!" a kid shouted happily that makes everyone smile. This is the scenario here every morning, like this kid brings sunshine to all the people around.

"Sawadee kha Nong Lily! Thank you for the food." one of them answered.

Lily is the 8 years old little girl who lives with her grandpa Nam which is the owner of the largest farm in town. She is their little boss for she is the only relative of him. Lily grew with them eversince her mother died of accident months after she was born. She is cheerful, playful and friendly to everyone inspite of their status, her grandpa raised her as a humble one.

Now everyone shares the food prepared for them.

"Lily, very good my little one. Thank you for helping grandpa." the old man uttered sweetly.

"It's a small thing grandpa, i would always love to help you and i want to work too like you." the kid replied attentively.

"Nah you're still a baby, you should be at school playing with your classmates and friends, leave all the work to grandpa okay? Just your presence here gives lot of inspiration to everyone and it's enough." he said in a calm way for the kid to understand well.

"Yes grandpa i will." she agreed and smiled.

"Let's go? You will be late in school if we stay here longer." he said.

The two excuses themselves for a while to take Lily to school. It is just a walking distance so her grandpa make sure to personally accompany her.


Lily enjoys herself walking with the beautiful view around.

"Lily, slow down wait for me!" her grandpa shouted.

"I will wait you there grandpa! Hahaha." she teased him and quicky ran away.


The old man startled after he heard the loud scream of his grand daughter so he gave all his strength to walk fast and check her.

"Grandpaaa.." lily hugged him.

"Why lily, what's the problem??" he asked.

"I heard someone is crying over there, it's scary grandpa." she stated and pointed it out.

"Sshhh don't cry grandpa is here. I will go there and take a look." he said so they came nearer to see it up close.

And like lily said they both hear cries coming from the bush.

"See grandpa.." lily uttered.

"Anyone there?? Hello??" grandpa said but no one answered so he decided to go nearer and nearer.

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