8 (Kiss)

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I woke up feeling heavy and with bad headache.

I tried to get up but it was hard and i am fainting, gosh. What happened to me? I was fine last night.

I suddenly remembered what happened. I didn't expect that was abled to do that to Lily, but i couldn't stop it and i don't regret it either.

I touched my lips and starts reminiscing.

The feeling's still here.
The softness of her lips and the way we kissed, it's like i'm magnetized and i don't want to let go.

If it wasn't for the TV, maybe where would that scene go?


Arrrggh! My mind!

Now i long for her. Where is she?

I have to get up and go to the university coz she might be waiting for me there.

I tried to call her but i was really dizzy so i just laid down again.

"That's so annoying! Why now?! Psh!" i said in frustration.


Been laying here for almost hours already. Ghad it's so boring but i cannot do anything, i'm stucked to this bed!

I was just staring at the ceiling and rolling my eyes.

I feel hungry too, what should i do now?

I tried to call Nan to come here. Nan is my best friend and the only one i can talk about anything.


ME: Nan, come here to my unit, i need you here.
NAN: Oh why what happened? Did you burnt your food again? Haha
ME: No! But in my condition now, i will rather eat that than starve to death. I'm sick and i can't get up.
NAN: Is it true? What have you done Phim? Wait for me, i'll be there.
ME: Thank you, i'll wait for you here. And please don't call grandma.
NAN: Haha you guess it right huh, okay i won't tell her. Relax yourself and wait for me.
ME: Alright bye.


I forced myself to get up to go to the living room because i was getting bored of just lying in my room.

The living room is now clean. Lily must have cleaned it before she left.

What time does she come home? She hasn't even texted me yet.

"You're not looking for me Lily? Why?? Huh?." i said in frown.

-After some Minutes-

"I'm here Phim!"

Nan shouted when she got here.

She quickly walked to me and touched my forehead.

"You're so hot! What have you been doing here that you got sick? I brought you some soup, have this and take the medicine." she said to me.

She asks me to go to the clinic for a check-up but i refused.

"You need to be checked phim, look at you, you're getting pale. Do you want grandma to barge in here just to take you there??" she added 

She seems like block mailing me so i looked at her sharply.
"NO!! Don't you dare Nan! You know she'll lock me up at home again if she finds out. And i don't want to go to the clinic either. Just call Doc Lee to come here." i ordered her and that's what she did.

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