CHAPTER 30 (Coming Back)

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*Clock Alarms!*

It's 5:00 in the morning already.

Phim always sets her alarm to this time so she can go see the sunrise first in the morning.

She opened her eyes.

"Arrggghh!" she complained as her head suddenly hurt.

She quickly got up and took the medicine bottle and immediately drank it.

"It's a lovely day. Please be good to me." she said to herself.

She walked outside and sat on the wooden chair she always hangs out.

The wind is still cold and the only sound is the lapping of the waves.

And the sun has risen.

"Good morning Teerak..." she whispered while thinking of Lily.

There's no moment when she is not on her mind.

She keeps hoping and waiting for them to be together again.

She was about to stand up to take a walk on the beach when her vision suddenly blurred.

Her condition is getting worst as day passes by.

But she forced herself to stand up and walk back to the villa.


And she fell down.

Nan quickly ran to her and helped her to sit down.

"What are you doing? What happened?" she asked her friend worriedly.

"My vision is blurred and i can hardly see anymore Nan." she said.

Nan hugged her.

"I told you that you shouldn't be alone but you don't want to come with me. You have no one else to be with even Lily isn't here. It's annoying!"

"Ssshhhh there you are again. How many times will i tell you that i'm fine with this. I'll get used to it too." phim answered her.

"Let's go to your doctor today, don't say no Phim!" she insisted.

"Okay.." phim just said.


We went to the hospital for my treatment.

It's tiring yes but Nan is so consistent in taking me there back and forth.

"What if i stay with you here huh Phim?" she said.

We are here at home and she is preparing dinner.

"Naaahh you cannot. You will leave your husband there to stay with me? Are we lovers?" i said.

"Yaaaah! I'm so worried at you, you're so stubborn how can i trust you here? You don't meet your doctor, you don't undergo treatment. Are you planning your death huh?! Tssss!" she said raising her voice.

Now she's preaching me again. But i found it sweet, really my best friend.

I sat with her and hugged her.

"Awww so touching of you my bestfriend. Calm down okay? Don't worry about me i am trying my best to stay alive. You still can see me even when you have your baby though i cannot see how she looks like but auntie phim loves her." i told her but i can hear her sobbing.

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