25 (Revealing the Truth)

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"Good morning love."

Phim was still fast asleep so i didn't wake her up. I just checked on her before i left with grandma.

"I love you." and i kissed her forehead.

Grandma is waiting for me downstairs so i need to hurry.

"Good morning Lily, let's go now." she greeted.

"Good morning grandma." i answered as i approached her.

Now we're leaving.

We were sitting next to each other in the backseat.

I felt a little shy because i wasn't used to it being just us and Phim not being there.

"You're okay Lily?" she asked and i nodded.

"Get used to us being together because it's always like this." she still said.

"Alright grandma."

A few minutes passed and we arrived here at Buzzler.

Now i'm here again after the investors meeting.

Grandma said that we are going to talk to the lawyer today and that i have to accompany her.

Maybe it's for the development of Aon's case.

Yes, we filed a criminal complaint against him.


"Good day madam chairman" the lawyer greeted us when he arrived here at the office.

"Have a seat attorney." grandma said.

I'm about to leave them when grandma called me.

"Lily stay, we need you here." she commanded me so i sat with them.

Since Sandi is no longer her assistant, that's why i'm here.

"So attorney, how's the last will testament i'd asked you?" she asked that surprised me.
"W-WHAT?!' i uttered.

It really shocked me.

"Grandma, why do you have that?? Are you s-sick?" i asked her worriedly.

And she smiled at me.

"I just want to have it prepared just in case. We don't know what will gonna happen, we cannot foresee the future so might as well prepare for it." she added.

Well she's right but i hate the idea on how it's done.


The lawyer has released the document and now he will read it.

But i wonder why they would do this without Phim here.

I'm feeling uneasy and tensed right now.

The lawyer started to read it.

"I, Sattapohn Chankimha is hereby giving all my properties, including the Chiang Mai University and the Buzzler to my two grandchildren namely Phassakorn Chankimha and Lhouissiana Chankimha, given this 25th day of January 2023. I am fully aware that everything that was written here was written beyond my consent."

So, here is what was written in her last will.

I just heard this now so i'm surprised.

I was suddenly quiet because of this.

When i thought it was over, there was something else that surprised me more.

"Lily, I want you to take over the position of Aon as the CEO of Buzzler. I have no one else to trust here but you while i am giving my position in Chiang Mai to Phim. I am assigning you two to manage the properties i owned" she told me which really shocked the whole of me.
"M-ME?? Why me grandma?? I can't accept it." i immediately said.

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