13 (Because of You)

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@The University

Today is the start of the survey for the students.

We're all hoping for a good result because i only have few days to prepare the promotional campaign and propose it to the board on the upcoming anniversary.

Lily is just here by my side and helping me with things to do. It made me wonder why did she chose to apply for a job as a dance teacher when she is good in this field too.

"Phim, here's your Jasmine tea." she offered me. She really knows it when i'm stressed like this.

"Thank you Lily." i said and placed it on the table.

"Come here, sit on my lap." i told her and she looked surprised.

"Ehh? What if they see us?" she asked.

"No one dares to enter my office and about the CCTV don't worry i had it removed so we can be free here. Okay? Now come." i stated to her.

Now she is sitting in my lap and i'm hugging her tightly.

"Finally, my home. I need you lily." i whispered thru her ear.

I closed my eyes for a moment to rest. It really feels so peaceful.

She's my homie.


After a while someone knocked on the door so Lily quickly went back to her place.

"Come in." i said and my secretary entered.

"How's the task i gave you? How's the survey?" i asked and she suddenly bowed.

"Madam, about that I'm sorry but i failed. The students refused to answer the survey so i don't have the data we need." she admitted to me.

I stood up getting annoyed.

"So what are we going to do now huh? You know that I need that, you're not doing your job well. Shall I fire you huh?!" i said angrily.

"Mam, please calm down. Don't spill your temper on her, she definitely did her job." lily told me trying to cool me down.

She talked to her and told her to go back to work.

Now she faced me again.

"What was that Phim? You're being impulsive again, please tone it down." she said and i tried to composed myself.

"Lily, i only have two days left to finish this but look we haven't started yet. I might lose my position if i didn't make it and grandma will surely be mad at me. What am i going to do??" i said worriedly.

She walked closer to me and looked at me.

"There's a solution to every problem okay? I have an idea. I know how the students feel and why they react like that, because like them i also hated you before. Sorry for the word but it's true. We really can't get an answer to them so i've came to this idea. Why don't you reach out to them so they can get to know you better? Bond with them to establish good relationship." she suggested to me and i'm thinking that maybe she is right.

I can't blame them because that's what i am.

"Alright Lily, let's do it." i answered her.


So now we gotta start doing it.

I have cancelled the classes tomorrow so that everyone can participate in the school program we're planning.

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