19 (For Love)

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"What's the matter love? You've been like that since we got home, you look uneasy why? Is there something bothering you?" i asked Phim because from the office earlier until we got home, she was restless.

"N-nothing love, just stressed." she said to me. But I noticed that she was lying because she couldn't look at me properly.

We are now in the room and she does blower my hair to dry it.

She can't hide from me, i can see her face through the mirror.

"Love, don't try to hide it. You have a promise right?" i reminded her.

She took a heavy breath first and then faced me.

"Love, it's about Sandi. I think she's stalking us. Earlier this morning she sent me pictures of us from our park date last night and she's trying to blackmail me." she said with her head's down.

"Blackmail? What did she said??" i asked curiously.

"Ahmm she wants me back or else she will reveal our secret to grandma." she uttered anxiously.

"And then what did you choose?"

"Of course you! I'd rather die than lose you." she said with certainty.

I glared at her.

"Psh! No one's gonna die especially you. You can't leave me hmp!" i said cutely to light up the mood.

And she hugged me tight.

"I will fight for you, you know that but i can't help not to worry. I'm too scared to lose you." she whispers.

There's a sadness in her voice that it started to crack. I cupped her cheek and stared at her eyes.

"That won't happen okay? I told you i will be by your side no matter what. We will face this together love." i assured her while caressing her back.

We talked about being more careful in every move we will make. I thought of resigning to avoid scandal but she didn't want that we we will not be together.

Just as same, i also want to always be by her side.

-Weeks Later-

So far there has been no problem and everything is fine. Maybe sandi has became silent so she doesn't show either.

It's a relief.

Phim is having a shower now while i'm busy here in the kitchen. I'm preparing a stir fried spicy noodles for her and a dessert. Well between the two of us she loves spicy foods while i love sweets.

I finished putting the food on the table so i thought i'd watch TV while waiting.

But i was very surprised when i saw that grandma is here and Sandi is also with her.

"M-madam.." i said. Feels like i'm stunned at where i am standing.

My heart beat is racing in tension.

I remembered that i am only wearing a thin nightgown so i was embarrassed.

"Hmm.. so it's true you're living here with Phim." she said to me. I can't make any more excuses because i'm already caught.

"Now you believed me grandma? That girl is taking advantage of Phim. Such a gold digger!" sandi said.

Ohh she had just made us believed that she's silent.

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