14 (Birthday Gift)

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Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to You


Phim and I screamed in shock with the sound of confetti that they blown up.

We were about to enter her office when they surprised us like this. They are greeting her now and my mind got me loading for a while till i realized that it's her birthday today.

I'm just smiling like them, well i don't know how to behave at this moment.

"Thank you for your greetings, i didn't expect this so i was surprised." phim shyly told them.

"Madam, you must get used to this because we will always greet you every year." her secretary said.

"Thank you very much, because of that i will treat you all after work. Have a nice day." she told everyone and they're hyping in excitement.

Now we're inside her office.

I held her hand and pulled her to me.

"It's your bday today but i don't even know. I'm feeling bad that we're together the whole night yet i haven't greeted you. Hays." i frowned and told her out of shame.

She held  my chin up and smile as she look into my eyes.

"Lily, you don't need to apologize okay? I understand that you don't know it and i didn't informed you either because i usually don't celebrate it, so don't feel guilty okay?" she told me calmly.

Because of this, i'm kinda feeling better.

"I want to give you the best gift, well i still have some more time till tonight. Happy birthday my Ppeudong." i greeted her and tapped her nose.

But she glared at me of what i said.

"Ppeudong again, who is that? I'm really jealous. It's my birthday can't you see? hmp!" she scolded me.

She was about to turn her back but i immediately pulled her and gave her a sweet kiss.

"You're jealous of yourself and it's funny hehe. You're ppeudong, maybe you don't remember it but it's you. I don't like anyone else only you okay?" i told her sweetly.

She stopped asking questions and just believed in me.

Phim is hugging me from behind, wrapping her arms around my waist and we stay like this for a while.

@The Restaurant

Everyone is gathered here in a dine-in restaurant where Phim has reserved.

She ordered different kinds of food for everyone here.

"It turns out that our boss is very generous, very different from what we thought." they teases her.

Unlike before that they were so rattled with her death glare, now they can even pull a joke to her.

"Does this make me even more cool?" she asked them and they all agreed.

They are fun to watch. But i noticed that she's not touching the food and is constantly looking at her watch.

"Why Phim? i asked.

"Lily, we have to leave right away because grandma is waiting for us at the mansion." she whispered to me.

I felt a little nervous with the thought that there are definitely guests on the party.

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