27 (Forgiveness)

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Phim closed her eyes while hugging Lily.

"Mam, are you okay??"


She slowly opened her eyes and realized that she's still alive.

"Maam, you're safe now." the cops told her.

She quickly hugged Lily and cried hard.

"Heard that love? We're safe now." she told her smiling while shedding tears.

"Y-yes.." lily said softly while nodding her head.

But suddenly she closed her eyes and lost consciousness.

"L-LILYYY!!" phim shouted.

The rescuers came quickly and immediately took them in the ambulance.

Inside, phim couldn't calm down and kept crying.

She held Lily's hand tightly while the medics are reviving her.

"Loveee please, hold on! Don't leave me please!! I'm begging you. NOOOO PLEASEEE!!"

"SAVE HER PLEASE!! PLEASEEEE! DON'T STOP!!" she begged with all her might.

"Calm down mam please, we're doing our best so she can make it to the hospital." one replied to her.

She could do nothing but to trust them on Lily's life.

"SAVEEE HER!! PLEASEEE!!" phim shouted.

The nurses and doctors inside panicked and lily was immediately admitted to the Emergency Room.

Phim was so restless and her clothes were bloody.

She could do nothing but to cry.

Stand, sit, walk around while waiting for something to happen.

"Love, please hold on! Be brave please! You can't leave me!" she keeps on repeating these.

Till one of the nurses approached her.

"Maam, you need to be treated too, your head is bleeding." she told her.

She didn't noticed it earlier because it's just Lily who was important to her.

Until she felt dizzy and had a headache.


"Let's go maam." the nurse said and took her in for treatment.


After being treated, she rested and then thought of contacting grandma to ask for help.

"Miss can I borrow your phone? I'll just make a call. Thank you." she told the nurse and she immediately lent it to her.


ME: Grandma, it's me.
GRANDMA: P-phim?? Is it really you?? Where are you now?? Where's Lily?? Are you safe??
ME: L-lily is critical grandma, we're here at the hospital.
GRANDMA: W-WHAT??!! What happened?! Where's that bastard Aon huh?! Did he hurt you?!
ME: J-just come here grandma....p-please. GRANDMA: I will Phim, wait for grandma!


Phim gave the hospital's address and handed back the phone to the nurse.

"Thank you.." she said.

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