6 (Instant)

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I suddenly opened my eyes when my alarm clock rang.

My spirit almost ran out of my body with the loudness so i picked it up and turned if off.

"The noise, it's annoying!" i complained.

I wondered why it rang because i didn't set it because i used to trust my body clock.

I suddenly thought of Lily.

Where is she? I looked at the clock and it's six in the morning, maybe she had gone home.

I removed the blanket and saw that her handkerchief was still tied to my wrist, and i started to smile even more when i thought that she had also put the blanket on me while i'm sleeping.

Aaahhh i'm dead, i feel butterflies on my stomach again.

I sat for a few more minutes to recall what happened last night, i didn't thought that i would be with her on a time like that and i am so happy.

I got up and saw this note on my table so i immediately read it.

*Good morning mam boss, here's your instant coffee hehe sorry i can only afford that.* it says.

Wow she even gave an effort to do this, it's really too much, on this state she got me already.

I place the note between the pages of my book so i can keep it.

And even though i don't drink coffee like this, i tried it, maybe this is her brand. Oh well it's also delicious.

After that, i took a shower and went out to go to the university.

I'll be heading to the studio first for my dance lesson where of course she is the coach.

Ohh it's really a nice day for me.

@The University

I went straight to the dance studio and she was there already.

"Good morning mam boss, have you tried my instant coffee? Hehe."

She greeted me with a smile and i walked closer.

"No, i don't drink coffee like that, my stomach may get upset." i denied, of course i'm not whipped huh.

She's just smiling at me and i'm being annoyed with that because i'm suddenly losing myself when she's like that.

"Don't smile there hmp. Let's go now and rehearse." i commanded. And just like before, were dancing together and i had a lot of fun because of it.

It's like it became my instant stress reliever so i got more interested.

"Wow, you're so good boss. I told you that you can do it." she praised me which made me happy.

"See? I'm not as slow as you think hmp!" i  said.

She handed me the bottled water and i opened it first for her before mine.

"Lily, can i ask? Why are you still working at the hotel when you already have a job here?" i asked while looking at her.

"Ahh, because it's a need to do. I need an extra job to increase my income so i can pay the rent of my apartment and i can send money to grandpa to buy his medicines." she stated.

Her story shocked me, suddenly i felt like i was knocked out by the truth that there is someone who is suffering like this, not like me who has everything.

"I'm sure you're having a hard time doing that, come live with me Lily!" i said out of the blue.
"Are you going to take me home mam boss?" she asked and now i felt the shame, my mouth betrayed me again. OMG!!

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