22 (Mixed Up)

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@The Buzzler

After a Week;

"Manager lily, you need to go to the conference room."

This is what they told me immediately after I entered the office.

"Huh? But why?" i asked a little nervously.

"I don't know, they just instructed me to tell you right away when you arrived." she answered me.

I just put down my stuff and went straight there.

And when I entered I found them there waiting.
"Grandma? I mean madam...good morning." i uttered.

Aon is also here with some bosses so i was even more nervous.

He came to me and assisted me to my seat.

"Take a seat Lily." he said and smiled at me.

I don't have any idea of ​​what is happening right now.

And then the door opens again.


She is here too, but she didn't tell me.

And she looked surprised too when she saw me here.

She sat in the seat near grandma and aon.

They look powerful, the three of them.

And grandma stood up.

"So I guess we can start now, good day everyone." she started.

"Good day Madam Chairman." they all greeted her back

I feel like an extra here because it's my first time to attend a meeting like this.

Phim keeps glancing at me and I give her a smile.

"Without further ado i would like to announce to you all that today we're going to appoint the new Vice President of Buzzler. With her commendable hardwork and achievements, this person deserves to be in this position."

Everyone seem to be shocked by this sudden announcement and of course I'm even more confused.

"Congratulations Vice President Lily Aromdee!".

They're now telling me this and phim here is also cheering for me.

"Miss Lily, can you give a short speech?" aon said to me and this is when I realized what was happening.

So I just got promoted into vice president position.

I slowly stood up to speak.

"Ahmm to Madam Chairman, thank you so much for your appreciation and to all of you here thank you as well. Let's do our job and continue to seek success for Buzzler." i said and they gave me a round of applause.

It's such a nice feeling but seeing Phim being proud of me is what makes me so happy.

"Congratulations love.." she mouthed to me that made me blush.

@Lily's Condo

I'm already here at home preparing my dinner.

I didn't joined the company dinner earlier because i'm upset like how can i enjoy if i see Phim and Aon together.


As much as i want, i just want to keep Phim by my side all the time but because they are still engaged I can't do anything.

I'm just so helpless.

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