16 (Say No More)

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I'm here outside to breathe some fresh air while waiting for dinner.

It feels awkward because Phim is here with us, it's not that I don't want her here, I just don't know how to talk to her now.

I'm sitting on the couch staring the vastness of the sky tonight.

I'm feeling the cool breeze while silently meditating.

I turned back and saw Phim.

I looked at her confused.

"Why are you here?" i asked.

"Can we talk? No, I mean we need to talk. This cannot wait any further." she told me so i frowned.

"Phim, we talked about this, didn't we? We're okay now go back inside and rest." i told her without emotion.

But it seemed that she could not be stopped and came even closer to me. I was surprised when she suddenly grabbed my hand but I immediately pulled it back.

"Lily, please hear me out this time. Please let me explain. I won't go unless you forgive me." she said.

"Enough Phim! I'm no longer working for you to order me that. You're clearly invalidating my feelings!" i told her angrily.

"And you think you don't invalidate my feelings too Lily? I bravely came here to explain to you so we can fix this. Why are you so stubborn?!"

I was surprised that she raised her voice.

"You're shouting at me huh?? You player!" i shouted.

"I'm not a player!"

"You are!"

And my eyes widened when she suddenly kissed me.

I gave her a slap on her face that made her bowed down.

I was so shocked that I did this, i couldn't stopped myself.

And I didn't expect a sudden strucked of pain in my heart when i saw her face.

"Lily, are you still angry? Go ahead and hurt me until you feel fine so you could listen to me. Go ahead, i deserved it. I'm a player right?"

She tearfully told me this that made me soft. I seemed not be able to speak now. I just stared at her from her head down until i saw something in her hand.

"Wait, that's my necklace, right? Why you have it?" i asked her.

"I saw that you left it at the party so I intend to return it to you." she answered me and was about to hand it over.

"No, don't give it back because it's really meant for you. I should have given it to you on your birthday, so it's yours." i said.

"But I have that too Lily." she said and took out another necklace like mine. I wonder and try to think of a reason for this.

"Why do you have that? Huh?" i asked.

She took a deep breath before answering.

"Because you gave it to me. Lily, you gave it to me when we were young. I know it's been a long time but for you to remember i will let you know. I'm Phim that you found before and you're Lily the little girl who showed me love back then." she told me and then everything became clear to me.

I felt some joy in my heart, maybe because of the excitement i'm feeling now.

"P-phim? You were my Phim too? Is that really you?" i asked her.

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