11 (Love Shot)

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I woke up with a bit of  headache.

I also drank last night, but only a little, unlike the two who actually consumed the alcohol.

Phim was still asleep and i didn't wake her up so i could prepare breakfast for the three of us. I will also bring hangover medicine for her.

"Lily, where have you been? You're always gone when i wake up." Phim told me immediately when i returned to the room.

My cat is awake.

I smiled at her and approached her with a tray of food.

"Sorry, Phim, i just cooked our breakfast. Didn't i tell you that i would cook for you every day. Don't sulk, okay? Goodmorning Ppeudong." i greeted her but she suddenly glared at me.

"Ppeudong? Who is that, Lily??!" she said loudly.

I was shocked by her reaction to what i said.

"Ohh you don't know Ppeudong?" i asked. I sat down and arranged the tray in front of us.

She answered me with a frown.

"I don't know, I have no idea. Who is that Ppeudong you're talking about?? Is that important person??" she asked annoyed.

Aha! So that means she forgot what happened last night.

Now i thought of a good game, i will annoy her haha.

"Ppeudong is very important to me." i said teasingly and smiled at her. There is a trace of disappointment on her face.

"I want to meet that!" she said annoyed.

"Sure. But now let's eat, you'll go to the office." i said and prepared the food.

"I'm not going in now hmp!" she said.

She's having tantrums at this moment.

Looks like someone is in a bad mood this morning haha ​​maybe it's okay if i tease her first so i can get back at her for bullying me.

"Ahm, this is the medicine, drink it now for your headache and fever. Wait i just noticed that you always have a fever, why? Let's go i will accompany you to the doctor?" i told her. She looked at me like a nagging child.

"Oh swallow what you eat first." i added.

"Hmp I don't want to go to the doctor, i will be fine. It's normal after when i kissed you." she said coldly. I moved my face closer to her and then asked.

"Ohh, so you mean you get a fever when you kiss me? So i guess I'm your kryptonite? Hehe." i said teasingly with a wink.

She nodded like a child.

"But wait, if you have a fever you should not .."
"No! I still want to kiss you!" she quickly said so i laughed even more.

It's cute that she's jealous and sulking of herself without knowing haha.

"So who is that Ppeudong? Huh??" she keeps asking. She put the tray of food on the table and climbed on top of me.

"Who is that?? Lily huh??" she asked seriously while staring at me. Now she looks scary. The change in her mood was shocking, such a weird.

"Don't be jealous Phim, I only met her once." i said and she raised her eyebrows.

"Yaaahh! You two! I'm right, there's something going on between you!"

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