9 (Fired!)

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When i got back to the city i tried to find another job, it's because i didn't feel comfortable being with Phim after our conversation.

I submitted an application form to every job hiring i went through and hopefully had a good result.

But while waiting, i will still work there and then resign after.

-After a Week-

I was already in the studio when Phim arrived.

"Good morning, here Lily i bought milktea for you." she greeted and handed it to me.

"Thank you." i answered briefly.

There is tension in the air and i don't know how to cool it down.

"Let's get started mam boss." i said as i'm positioning myself.

And as i always do, i'm helping her with the steps. Every time she stares at me, i turn my eyes and looked away.
"Stop! Lily, wait a minute, why do you act drastically? It's like we're fools dancing here but you don't give yourself to it. You're clearly distancing yourself to me. Do we still have a problem? Let's fix it Lily. I sent you several messages but you always just ignore me. I don't know how to get your attention. I apologized to you but why are you still like this?" she scolded me.

"Because that's how you act, you're insensitive. I'm sorry mam boss but that's what you are. If you say words, you don't even bother to know if you hurt someone's feelings and then you act like nothing happened. You think i wasn't hurt by what you've said to me?" i told her. I couldn't control my emotions so i need to voice it out.

"Are you hurt? Where in what i've said did you got hurt? Was it because i kissed you? Because you said i was just tripping over you, right?" she asked which irritated me more.

"That's enough, i don't want to talk about it anymore. Here mam, here is my resignation letter, please just sign it." i said out loud and handed it to her.

She frowned at me while holding it.

"So, you're going to resign from your job, huh? Okay." she said but she immediately tore it up.
"Phim!" i shouted.

"You can't resign Lily. Not until i want to, you won't be able to resign!" she told me emphatically and suddenly left.

"What's really on your mind Phim huh?" i whispered while picking the pieces of my resignation letter.

@The Hotel

That same night, i told the supervisor if i could change floor with my partner Yuki, because it would not be good if i keep working in Phim's unit now that i decided that i wanted to avoid her.

"Mam, please agree that yuki will take my place." i'm begging her and i also talked to yuki about this and she agreed, i hope the supervisor will allow me too.

"Lily, i can't just make a decision, the owner of the unit has to decide. And she strictly instructed me that she only wants me to send you there." she answered me.

"But mam, just please." i keep insisting.

"I'm sorry but it's not possible, i don't want her to remove me from my position. Go up there, you're a few minutes late, I'll just explain it to her." my supervisor ordered me and it seems that there is nothing i can do.

I left the office disappointed.

"Lily sad to know that i can't help you with your problem hays." yuki said and suddenly hugged me.

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