29 (Because I Love You)

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*You're an adopted Chankimha.*
*You're an adopted  Chankimha.*
*You're an adopted Chankimha.*

It seemed to echo in my ears.

Did i heard it right?

I paused the video for a while because i am shaking now.

I took a deep breath.

I sighed.

Need to go on now.

I pressed the play button to continue.

*Even if we're not blood related but you are a real Chankimha. We adopted you in a legal way so you can bear our name proudly.*

My tears starting to fall one by one now.

*Your dad and I personally chose you to be his heiress, we found you on a far orphanage. You're so cute baby that we fell in love with you instantly so we thought of bringing you home. Since then you were born as Phassakorn Chankimha. We loved you like you came from our own flesh. Until the day Lily came to our lives and the accident happened. I took care of you and loved you and even gave my world to you because grandma loves you so much. I am sorry for not telling you when i had the chance, because there's no need for you to know because you're my real grand daughter in my heart. I love you honey.*

I covered my mouth with my hand and sob so hard.

My tears keep running nonstop.

*If i didn't felt how much you and Lily love each other, i wouldn't have done this. At least at the last moment of my life i had done something that i know will make you both happy.*

I can't believe this is happening.

I just knew that i am adopted.

Should i be thankful to her for telling me?

*You're not sisters! You can love each other freely now and I'll be happy watching you both from afar. Please take care of each other. I love you both.*

And the video ended.

What a shocking revelation.

Of all the impossible things that can happen in my life, this is the most shocking thing i have ever known.

There is joy and pain in my heart that i feel now.

Pain because my whole life was a fake but i'm not angry, i have no rights because grandma never once made me feel that i'm not her real grand daughter.

And glad because of this fact Lily and i can continue our love.


When i found out that secret, i immediately tried to contact Lily.

But i failed.

She changed all her details so now i can't reach her.


What is she planning up to?

I'm really looking forward to seeing her and being able to tell her this face to face.

@ The Mansion

"Madam, are you sure about what you are going to do? This is a very big decision you are planning to make." my lawyer told me.

He was very surprised when i told him this.

I am planning to call for a big press conference because i'm gonna drop a big bomb to the business industry.

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