2 (Our Story)

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"We're here!" i stated. We're like out of breath because of running.

She's looking around and seemed confused.

"Hey kid, what are we doing to this kind of place??" she asked.

"Ahh.. this is my secret place, uhm like a hangout. This is where i go whenever i feel like alone." i replied.

"So you're lonesome now??" she asked immediately.
"No! I have you so i'm not alone." i quickly responded like my instinct told me so.

"Ohhhh...alright. Yeah you're right, whatever." with a cold tone she answered.

And then i opened my mini fridge here to get some snack for us.

"Uhmm here older sis, have some." i offered. I only had some bottled drinks and fruits so it's just what i can give to her.

"Thank you kid." she said and i told her to sit with me.

My hangout is a small hut with a big pallet outside where I lay down to rest.

She is silent so i just continued to talk.

"The midnight sky is beautiful, right?" i uttered while gazing up high.

"Hmm yes it is. So you have a nice view here huh." she answered.

"Your name is Lily? Only Lily? Why it is your name??" she asked. Hmm finally she started to break the ice between us. It makes me smile.

I faced her and replied.

"Yes no second name just Lily. According to my grandpa my mom named me after the flower Lily because it is her favorite. And it represents purity and a love that will lasts. That's it hehe." i told her.

"Ahhh okay, got it. Your name is nice Lily." with a cold and shy tone she responded.

Haha now she called me with my name, i'm glad.

"Yes but i didn't know your name yet older sis, may i...."
"Phim! Call me phim." she quickly said.

Now i finally knew her name.

"Ahmm phim? May i ask? What happened to you when we found you there? You're crying and full of bruises. Have you got into a fight? Where is your parents? Why you're all alone??" i asked and asked, can't help because these are all running on my mind eversince.

"H-huh?? What happened to me?? I-i don't know.." she answered with a confused face.

"Why you don't know??" i asked in surprise.

She suddenly held her head and started to act weird.

"Aaahhhhh my head hurts! W-what's happening?! ARRGGHH!" she screamed in pain.

I am shocked and i don't know what's happening to her. I am panicking.

"P-phim why??" i asked worriedly but she keeps on screaming.

I hugged her. With all my strength i wrapped her in my arms.

"Phim, just relax i'm here. It will be okay." i uttered softly while gently caressing her back.

I can hear her soft sobbing, she's crying.

"I don't know what you're talking about Lily. Why is that i can't remember anything before that?? What happened to me??" she said in frustration. Now i got to remember what grandpa told me, that phim might be suffering from trauma so that's why she acts like this.

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