18 (No One Else)

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We went home without talking since we left the mall. I knew Lily was upset by what I did so I had to explain.

"Love, you're mad at me? I'm sorry." i told her. She immediately went to the kitchen to fix the groceries we bought.

So i'm helping her.

"Love, talk to me." i said.

And she faced me.

"You couldn't control yourself earlier. You go again, look what happened, you told her about us. What if she report us to your grandmother? You were the one who told me to keep it a secret while we fix it things, but because of your impetuousness, it came out." she preached to me like a mother.

I got her point, i know i was wrong, i shouldn't have done that.

I stood in front of her and then held her hands.

"I know i was impulsive earlier, but how could i calm down when i saw she was mocking at you and going to hurt you? I can't take that! She has no right to do that to you ." i protested.

"But even so, not everything is done in when you're hot" she said in contrary.

"When i'm hot? Like this?"

I pulled her body closer to mine and stared at her lips.

"YAAAH Phim!" she is annoyed and she glares at me.

Hmp she doesn't like it now.

"Hmmm what can i do? My hand automatically landed on her face." i said sarcastically while staring at my palm.

She gently pushed me and changed places but i immediately hugged her from behind.

"Sorry love, please don't get mad at me." i said.

I faced her again.

"Your ppeudong is so sorry, look oh." i said with a cute tiny voice like a kitten.

"Meow meow please forgive ppeudong." i continue acting like this while i'm kissing her hand up to her arm to her neck and to her lips.


And she bursted into laughter.

"It's ticklish myghad! Why so cute my ppeudong? Be thankful that you're too adorable or else you'll sleep here in the sofa psh!" she said.

"Naaahh that can't be."

I quickly kissed her.

We're kissing while heading her from the kitchen to the living room until we entered the room and i laid her on bed.

It's Kiss and Make-Up, yeah.

On the Next Day;

I woke up first and there's Lily sleeping soundly in front of me, i guess i was too much last night.

She moaned loudly, ofcourse she'll get tired.

I am showering her with small kisses.

Aarrggh she really looks like a barbie doll, there's no angle that she's not pretty.

"Love, wake up.." i whispered to her ear.

"Uhmm.. love." she says.

Her soft smooch is too cute.

Slowly, she opens her eyes.

"Good morning love, happy first month to us!" i said smiling and she smiled back.

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