20 (Finding Way)

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The next day, phim accompanied me along with my things to the condo unit where i will live for the time being, grandma is also there and waiting.

"We're here love, let's go, your grandma is waiting for us."

I told her but she pulled me not to go out.

"Love, i don't want to. Don't leave me please?" she told me, her voice was hoarse and tears welled up in her eyes.

"Loveee..." she utters and she hugged me.

"I am just trying to be strong but this is hurting me too. I don't want to be far from you but this is the only way for us to be together in the future. We need to sacrifice for the mean time, can we do it okay? My love for you won't change, that's my promise to you."

I told her this softly and kissed her deeply.

"Take my heart with you always. I love you Lily."

"You always have my heart too, I love you Phim."


Now we're here at the unit and grandma is sitting on the sofa.

"You're here now, fix your things in your room Lily and come back here." grandma ordered me.

Phim helped me put my things in and we went back to her.

"Don't forget you only have 3 months for our deal. And i want you both to cooperate, especially you Phim don't be stubborn or else the deal will be off. You must not see each other for that 3 months and just focus. There's a lot to happen in that span of time. Goodluck." grandma explained to us with a warning.

Phim was annoyed because even if she wanted to speak up,i stopped her. I didn't want to make grandma angry.

-The Next Day-

I didn't slept well last night because i need to stayed up. I still have to wait for Phim to fall asleep before i could sleep. Poor thing, she's lonely in her room. Aish if only i could run away to her but i don't want to break grandma's trust.

Today is my first day here at "Buzzler" one of the leading Digital Advertising Company in Asia. This place is 4X bigger than in the university.

I'm so amazed, this is how big time Chankimha's are.

"Welcome Manager Aromdee." they greeted me when i entered my area.

"Good morning too." i greeted them back. Well they seem friendly and harmless so i think i can work peacefully here.

"Oh wait the CEO is coming." they said.

I was wondering who it was until it came in.

"Good morning sir Aon!" they all greeted him.

"What??" i mumbled in surprised.

He is the CEO, so it means he is my boss?

My girlfriend's fiancé is my boss, can't believe it.

"Welcome Ms. Aromdee."
"I said Welcome here Ms. Aromdee. You looked tense, are you nervous or what??" he asked me.

"No, I'm just sleepy sir." i answered briefly.

"Really? Hmm maybe can't sleep because of excitement. As a welcoming gift i will treat you all with a drink. Have a nice day everyone!" he said.

"Thank you sir." i replied.

He smiled at me before leaving and i was forced to smile too.

Seriously, my girlfriend's fiancé is my boss. This is so uncomfortable! But i thought maybe this was one of grandma's challenges.

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