12 (Teamwork)

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@The University

After a Month;

Lily and I came to the office early because i had urgent things to do.

I need to submit a report and propose a campaign for the upcoming founding anniversary of the Association of the Top Universities in Thailand. Being the leading university, i must maintain the number one spot and it's kinda pressuring to me.
"Aish! Why is that? WTH?! It's annoying!" i said angrily as i hit the computer screen.

Lily stood up and came to me.

"Phim why what happened?" she asked and looked at it.

"Look! I've been thinking of ideas for hours but I'm always not satisfied. It's frustrating, I need more!" i sighed. She came even closer and peeked at what i was doing.

"Excuse me, can i have a look?" she asked and i nodded. She stared at it for a moment and seemed to be thinking.

"Hmm, so you have to think of a good strategy on how to promote our university right?" she was curious and i nodded again.

"I keep reviewing the last campaign but it's not effective anymore. And also I checked the feedbacks it's kinda negative so it's hard aish!" i complained to her. I'm so stressed at this moment.

She looked at her watch and smiled at me.

"Phim, it's almost lunch time already. Why don't we eat first so you have the energy to think better? I will try to help you okay? I have some knowledge on advertising so i think i can help but for now let's eat." she reminded me.

Well, it's already 12:20PM but i didn't notice it since I'm too busy.

"Alright, let's have lunch Lily. Thank you." i said with a smile.

She went out to buy food for us. I would have liked to accompany her but she said she will make it quick so i just stayed her and organize my things while waiting.


After a while, Lily came back with the food she bought.

"Here's the food. I bought pasta and a piece of chocolate cake for you so you have some sweets for energy hehe and milktea of ​​course." she's bragging to me.

Milktea can't really went missing because it's her favorite drink.

"Let's eat now." i said and we ate together.

And while we're eating we're exchanging ideas as well. I am surprised that she has knowledge on it too.

"Say Aaaah!" she said and i opened my mouth.

"Have some of this too bb." i said and feed her.

I feel happy now and feel relieved suddenly, not because I'm full but because I'm eating here with her, something that happens when she's with me because i've never eaten here in my office.

"Oh no such a messy bb." i said when her mouth gets dirty so i immediately pecked on her lips which surprised her.
Yaaahhh phim! You just stole a kiss from me." she said.

"Then I won't steal it again." i said seductively and slowly moved my face closer to her.

"Phim, stop please.." she's stopping me but i just continued.

"Phim..." she said.

Our lips were about to meet when she suddenly pulled away.

"Hmph!" i mumbled.

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