26 (Unconditional Love)

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The unconscious Phim was helpless so Aon finally took her.

"To my old rest house now!" aon ordered his men.

They're in a van along with the others.

"You can't go anywhere Phim, we will be together in the end." he whispered to her.

~~ ~~
@The Rest House

"Please take care of her! Tie her tightly but don't hurt her!" he gave strict orders to his men.

They are now in a place where they will be hiding for the time being.

"Who's wiser than us now old lady?" aon uttered proudly to his self.

This is what he thought of as a way to scare the old lady and force her to give the company to him.

~~ ~~


Phim slowly opened her eyes and found herself in a room that's not familiar to her.

She was about to stand up but her hands were already tied.

She immediately remembered what happened earlier when she and Aon argued so she had an idea that he might have taken her.
"HELP! HELP!!" she shouted loudly and the men wearing black bonnets entered the room.

"Shut up! Don't make any noise miss!" one of them scolded her.

She looked at them and was surprised to see that they were armed with guns.

"Where's Aon huh?? Where's your boss??!" she asked them.

"He's not here for a moment! So shut up or i won't be good to you even you're beautiful and sexy." the guy answered.

"PERVERT!! You people who have nothing to do with the economy but just a paid men! How much do you need?? Just let me know, I'll pay double the price!" phim said trying to bribe them.

"Shut up!!" the other guy shouted.

He took a handkerchief and came closer to her but Phim struggled until she noticed that someone is sitting behind her back. It's not moving and seems unconscious.

"Who's that?? WHO'S THAT HUH??!" she asked the men.

She immediately felt very anxious at this moment.

"Ahh, she is the cute girl that looks like a barbie. She's so beautiful, but it's a pity she got injured!" the guy answered her.

And it scares her more, so phim with all her might turned her back at the person next to her and here she saw who it was.

"L-lily..." she said.

She saw that her lips is bleeding and she had a wound on her head.

She got angry even more.

"LET ME GO!! WHAT HAPPENED TO HER?! TREAT HER!!" she shouted but the men still tried to stop her.

She was crying while looking at Lily who was still unconscious.

"LET ME GO!! AOOOOOONNNN!" she shouted loudly until he entered.

She's looking sharply on this man.

"What did you do to her huh?? WHAT?!" she asked angrily.

"Ohh, relax phim you're so hyped. You're the only one I'm going to take but Lily was so stubborn so that's what happened to her.  Sorry." he said smiling.

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