15 (Pendant)

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I woke up lying on my bed and covered in blanket. I wonder why and what happened that i'm lying here, all i know is that lily left last night and i was crying in so much pain.

Lily, where is she??

I got up to reach for my phone and suddenly my head hurt. But i was shocked to see someone lying on the couch and it is Sandi.

"Sandi, wake up why are you here in my room??" i asked shaking her to wake up.

She slowly opened her eyes.

"Oh, Phim, you're awake, why did you get up so soon? Are you okay?" her questions to me.

"You answered my question with questions too. Why are you here??" i asked again.

"To take care of you. Last night i found you in the living room and you're unconscious." she told me.

I'm trying to think about what really happened but I can't remember, maybe because I was crying too much.

"Anyways, you must leave now because i need to go somewhere." i commanded her but she stopped me.

"No phim, you're not leaving. You're sick, you must rest!" she scolded me.

And this is where i felt so dizzy.

"You need a lot of rest phim, you've been in too much stress and it's not good for your health. You must take this from me." she lectured me, considering that she is in the medical field.

I can only think of Lily now but my body is betraying me and i can't do anything at this rate.

"I'll ask Nan to come over so you can leave." i told her coldly.

But she keeps on insisting.

"Phim, are you that angry with me that you want me out of your sight?" she asked seriously and i gazed at her.

"I'm not mad at you, there's just no reason for us to be close, respect that." i said briefly.

"Phim, what's really on your mind? I know i was wrong when i just left you before, but you know the reason, right? Because of my brother, because he loves you, that's why i gave you to him, but i realized i shouldn't have done that, that's why i came back. And yet you still wanna marry him? How about me? Us?" she asked me questions that irritated me.

"Sandi please, enough with this. If i still want us, do you think i will ignore you like this? Come on! What happened on the past shall be left there, i moved on from you and i'm doing fine. So please never bring this back on." i told her straight to the point.

"Why? It's because of that Lily huh??"

Her curiousity surprised me.

"What are you saying? Don't bring Lily into this. I am doing what i want and you don't need to involve yourself to me." i said.

I don't want Lily to feel sorry for this, especially since the situation between the two of us not is okay.

I returned to my bed and tried to contact Lily, but i can't reach her, it seems her number is not in use anymore.


After a while Nan finally came and i'm asking her for help.

"Nan, didn't i told you to took Lily away with you during the party? Why was she there?" i asked her.

I waited for Sandi to leave before we talked about it.

"I did Phim, but she struggled and came back and i couldn't stop her anymore. Phim, what happened with your plan? Why did it turned out like that?" she asked.

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