10 (Ppeudong)

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I slowly opened my eyes and i was surprised because Lily was no longer by my side.

I was about to get up when i felt dizzy and gosh a  headache again.

"Aarrghh here you go!" i said in annoyance.

I am wondering as to where Lily was but it was hard for me to get up so i immediately picked up my phone to call her.

*Phone Ringing*

I was surprised when Lily's phone rang next to me so i breathed a sigh of relief because i knew she is here.

And it was right when she entered the room.

"Oh, you're awake, Phim." she said smiling and came to me.

I smiled at her too.

"Good morning Lily, i thought you left me and it's good that you're here." i told her.

"Ohh i am just there in the kitchen and cooked breakfast. Come on, get up now." she said but because it was difficult for me to walk she approached me to pull me upright.

"Wait, why are you so hot Phim?!" she asked me worriedly.

"I don't know, i just woke up hot like this raaawwr." i pulled a joke and she looks at me sharply.

"You have a fever, you're really hot and you're still joking huh!" she said and hugged me suddenly.

"What happened, why it so sudden? I'm going to take you to the hospital." she said and i immediately refused.

"Naaaahh i don't like. I'll just take medicine and i'll be okay." i objected so the conversation is over.


Lily let me rest and just brought breakfast so we have it here in bed.

"Hmm i finally had it here in home." i said.

"Hey why, you don't cook? Don't worry, I'll make you breakfast every day okay?" she said that made me blushed.

"Thank you lily.." i said happily.

She gave me the medicine and i took it right away. I then forced myself to get up.

"Phim, what are you doing? Lie down and rest." she said but i protested.

"Naahh, it's a waste of time if i'm just here. Come, let's go to your house, I want to see that." i said and she was startled.
"W-why? No. I'll go there alone, you stay here." she insists but i persisted.

"Why you're stopping me? You're my assistant right and you must be my side all the time, so yeah let's go to your place!" i said in authority so she can't disobey me.

We're settled now and since she didn't have any clothes with her so i let her borrowed my clothes.

"Look, we dress alike." i smiled and she nodded.


We left my unit but we first went to the manager's office of the hotel to inform them that starting today Lily will not be working here anymore.

Well, they can't go against my order.


And now we are going to her house.

She took me to a small alley with many houses and that's crowded.

My eyes are roaming around here.

"What place is this? Do you really live here? Even a dog wouldn't want to live in a dirty place like this." i said and just shook my head.

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