Chapter 1

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August 9, 2022; 11:23am:

"Mom, why do we have to come with you for this thing? I have stuff to do."

Lois Lane-Kent glared in the rear view mirror of their family truck. Jordan slinked back in his seat, trying to avoid the stare.

Despite her stressful job (and home life), Lois managed to keep herself somewhat organized. She wore a pair of white khakis and a beige ¾ sleeved shirt. She always tried to match her shoes and jewelry, so today she wore black flats and black star earrings. Her black hair streaked with gray lines was pulled back into a mid-head bun. She rarely wore makeup except for the concealer to hide her dark circles and forehead wrinkles.

Lois pursed her lips and focused on the road again, nodding to a passing car.

The long road was empty and hot. Corn and tall grass gently swayed in the wind of the passing car as the blazing afternoon sun shined high above. Kansas, it seemed, never had mercy for its countrymen.

Jonathan closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against the passenger seat that his father sat in. Sweat was already steadily dripping down his temples and down his back. He loved his parents, but he had to admit that it's was stupid on their part not to get a new truck. A real air conditioner would have been nice right about now.

"My interviewee is moving in by herself. She has no husband and wasn't able to find a moving company on such a late notice. I volunteered my darling and helpful boys while we talked about her work." Lois scowled at her growling son. "And I know for a fact that Sarah can survive a day without you by her side."

Jordan's red cheeks turned pinker as he slumped against the stained gray, worn out seats. His navy blue shirt was beginning to turn a shade darker thanks to his own sweat.

His black curly hair was long and plastered against any free piece of skin on his head. His blue eyes were dark and blazing with annoyance. Even though his clothes hung awkwardly on him, he was stronger and quicker than many would expect.

Jonathan chuckled and drifted his attention to the window, watching the wonderful Kansas sun burn the day away. His eyes drifted to the side mirror, where his father's gentle grin softened his mother's scowl.

Just like Lois, Clark's black hair was beginning to lighten and gray, and his wrinkles a bit more distinct, but nothing else changed. He still wore his favorite t-shirts and worn out jeans and broken boots. Thanks to the work on the farm, he was fitter than a horse and healthier than a well fed pig.

The Man of Steel had never been able to truly seem relaxed, but this was the calmest he had been in a while.

Ever since Jordan had shown his powers and proved himself worthy of training, Clark had taken him on several small missions: Bank robberies, gang busts, mugged victims, etc. With a small "mini me", Clark began letting Jordan take more missions rather than himself.

As if he sensed his thoughts, Clark looked in the mirror and focused his attention on Jon. He smiled lightly. "What about you, kiddo? Did mom pull you from a special date too?"

Jonathan scoffed and looked back out the window. His parents knew better than to ask about his social life. Knew better than to bring up anything to do with relationships.

Besides, what was he supposed to say? Hey Mom and Dad, Eliza broke up with me because she didn't like long distance. Hey Mom and Dad, Teagan was only being nice and didn't actually like me. Hey Mom and Dad, Candice sold illegal drugs and almost got me killed. Hey Mom and Dad, I am only really seen as the nice guy?

The truck slowed down a bit as it turned right into a long gravel driveway. At the end of the driveway was a typical country home. Three floors, wrap around porch, and large red barn behind it all. The house was the color of a cloudy day with white, peeling shutters. From a distance, the barn itself was even worse than the Kent's, and that was saying something especially with all the times it was knocked down.

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