Chapter 5

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"How could you have been so stupid?!" Lois yelled at him for the third time. "With an ambush like that? You should always be expecting something like it!"

Clark hissed as she took an alcohol wipe and wiped the cuts on his face.

He had arrived home an hour earlier and Lois had not left his side since he landed on the front porch and stumbled into the hallway, still weak from the magic poison.

He sat at the head of the table, leaning back on the wooden chair as Lois fussed above him. She looked like a chimp picking for insects as she hovered over his face and head.

"You could've died today, Clark! Died because you weren't prepared!" Lois went on. "Do you know what kind of pressure that puts on me?"

"Lois," Clark grabbed Lois's wrists and forced her to stop looking over his face. "I've faced death before. I've healed before. I'm here now."

Lois's face crumpled as she tore her hands back. "But I knew what you were up against all those times and I could help you then! But I didn't know how to save you, how to help you, and you just left without telling me goodbye. Clark! You can't just leave like that!"

Clark gently grabbed Lois's cheek and ran his thumb over her cheekbone. "I'm sorry, Lois. I truly am."

Lois let loose a shuttered breath. "I'm here for a reason, Clark. But you need to tell me when something like this happens so I can prepare. Please don't just leave me like that again."

Clark nodded and leaned in, whispering a kiss of the promise.

Jonathan grimaced and looked away while Jordan coughed into a fist. The boys sat on the other side of the table, trying to find out why their dad had been gone for over an hour when it usually took him half the time to complete a mission.

"So, are you going to tell us the story, or are we going to have to keep watching whatever soap opera this is?" Jordan asked. Jonathan elbowed him in the ribs.

Clark chuckled and pulled back a bit. "I met the new hero."

The house went silent. Lois's mouth was open, like a gaping fish. Jordan's eyebrows were raised to the ceiling, a smile forming on his lips. Jonathan's lips remained in a thin line, hesitant.

"Well, what about him?" Jordan asked, breaking the silence. "What are his powers? Where did he come from? Did he save you?"

Clark scratched his neck. "He's actually a she."

Jordan shut his mouth quicker than a trout finding a worm on a hook.

"I have a colleague who I work with, Wonder Woman. She comes from an ancient civilization that is only made up of women. This female, Wonder Girl, I believe came from the same place."

Lois (the ever reporter) grabbed a notebook off the counter and flipped a few pages before writing the information down.

"And how did she save me? Well, according to her, the bullets I was shot with were made out of magic. And there are only two things in this world that can harm me."

Jonathan spoke before he could think. "Kryptonite and magic."

Clark nodded. "She fixed me up. She extracted the bullets from my skin and made sure I healed before healing herself."

"So Wonder Girl could essentially be your angel and devil? She could heal you, but also precisely know how to kill you?" Jordan asked, suspicious from the information.

Lois chuckled. "It's a good thing she's on our side."

Clark nodded and continued his story, about how the female saved him and about the knife that almost killed her.

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