Chapter 20 (part 1)

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Anomaly detected. Section 13944125201514


Beep. Beep. Beep. Anomaly detected. Section 11524192015145 392025

Beep. Beep. Beep. Anomaly detected. Section 11524192015145 392025

Beep. Beep. Beep. Anomaly detected. Section 11524192015145 392025


SCREEEE. SCREEEE. SCREEEE. Unclassified threat. Foreign section 851212.

SCREEEE. SCREEEE. SCREEEE. Unclassified threat. Foreign section 851212.

SCREEEE. SCREEEE. SCREEEE. Unclassified threat. Foreign section 851212.


Monday, December 19, 7:48pm

"Hergh!" Cassie grunted as she hit the ground, the skin of her palms slicing open from the ice she had slipped on.

The three hysminai around her cackled and slowly circled her, waiting for Cassie to stand back up. Nike stood on the far end of the silo, her arms crossed in annoyance.

Despite the lack of light in the room, Cassie could see the golden glow of her light brown skin as her green eyes burned bright with disappointment. Not a single piece of her auburn hair was out of place from her hair crown made to look like laurels. Her sharp features and wiry figure dressed in black leather pants and a tight dark green tank top paired with a pair of (unironically) black Nike shoes.

Cassie shivered as she pushed herself off her side onto all fours. Melted ice had made her black sweatpants wet and heavy, making her fighting techniques and movements sluggish and uncoordinated. Her black sports bra clung to her way too tight to be comfortable and water was seeping through her tennis shoes. She hadn't been able to feel her toes for the last 45 minutes.

Cassie let her head hang for half a second as her nails gripped the frozen soil beneath her. She let the blood from a cut above her eye drip onto the dirt and pool as the fly-a-ways and short pieces of hair clouded her view. Her head spun as she tried to stand up, only to fall back onto one knee.

The hysminai around her screeched and cheered, happy to finally have weakened her.

Cassie sneered at the battle demons. They looked similar to Navajo Skinwalkers. Long, milky white limbs with abnormally sharp and large features. Their eyes were nonexistent, and instead there were just cavernous openings in their heads. When they smiled, their foot long sharp teeth looked like paper compared to their whip-like tongue.

Nike sighed and began walking around the outer part of the battle ring.

"A quadruple amputee could have done a neater job," Nike berated, taking in the scene of the young Amazon on the ground. "Don't get fancy with your move and channel your energy properly. Unless, of course, you yield."

Cassie bit her tongue and stood up on her shaking legs. She put her fists up in front of her face, staring down Nike as the hysminai tensed.

"Not a chance," Cassie stuttered.

Wrong answer. Cassie punched, blocked, and kicked her way into survival mode. She couldn't let her logic take over at this moment. She had to rely entirely on what felt right. The attacks were too quick, brutal, and calculated.

When Cassie fell for a third time, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a new figure standing at one end of the silo who raised their arm and snapped. Once and loudly.

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