Chapter 7

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Jordan sat on the couch and handed Jonathan his burrito.

The small living room felt even smaller than before and maybe it was because they had one extra person in the room. One person whose ego was bigger than Apollo's, and that was saying something.

Jonathan, while grateful for the food, couldn't seem to find the appetite.

She was standing by the kitchen while Clark sat in his normal lounge chair still in his suit. Lois stood behind him, cleaning his cuts and scrapes with alcohol. She hadn't spoken since they left the scene about 4 hours ago.

"Now that everyone's settled, we can talk." Clark said, wincing. He hissed and bit the inside of his cheek. "Ugh, I hate this feeling."

Wonder Girl did not move to sit. She just began with, "How long have your sons had powers?"

Lois paused and furrowed her brows. "Jordan has had them since freshman year of high school, but that's when they first showed. He may have had them before and we just never knew."

"And Jonathan is normal." Clark finished patting his wife's hand, indicating that he no longer needed her help

Wonder Girl made a face. "Normal would mean dead in this case. There's no way he's normal after surviving being drilled into a cement wall by a truck that then sat on him, crushing him, for 10 minutes."

Jonathan couldn't help but agree. He wasn't normal. There was no way he could be after that. Sure, maybe he had better healing properties than the average kid, but that was to be expected when one of your parents who gave you half of their DNA was an alien. But in the sense of powers, like super strength and super speed, yeah...that was a hard no.

Jonathan leaned forward and placed his burrito on the coffee table. As he sat back, Jordan leaned forward and placed his elbows on his knees. He kept his eyes trained on Wonder Girl, obvious disdain rolling off his shoulders like storm clouds rolling across the sky.

What was it with blonde chicks and him? First Cassie, now Wonder Girl, next thing you know, he's going to hate Supergirl. Jonathan was going to have to talk to him about this. He didn't want his brother ending up on their bad side.

"What's your deal?" Jordan asked. There was danger in his tone. "First you know exactly who Superman is, then you know who his family is, you know all of his weaknesses, how to defeat all of his enemies, and never showed your face in this town until this year, no superhero has ever heard of you, and you act like you're better than everyone is in this room. So, what's your deal, Wonder Brat? Just out of pure curiosity."

"Jordan!" Lois sputtered, disgusted.

"How dare you!" Clark hissed, standing up. Even in his weakened form, Superman was powerful. And as his father, he was twice as frightening. "Jordan, room. Now. How inconsiderate are you to be–"

Wonder Girl smirked and held up her hand, stopping Clark from continuing his rant. She lowered her hand and crossed her arms. Jonathan shifted in his seat and watched as the female pulled out an imaginary pen and imaginary notepad.

"Alright then, what other grievances do you have for me?" She smiled with malice. "You call me egotistical? That's funny, because I'm pretty sure you were the one who thought that you could neutralize the threat with little training. Just because you're the son of Superman that doesn't automatically make you invincible. Secondly, I know all your information because someone has entrusted me with it. So far, it's saved your father's life twice, and your life once. Thirdly, I never needed to show my face before because there were other heroes who knew how to fix these problems. Fourthly, you've never heard of me because I was kept on the down low by Wonder Woman until it was absolutely necessary."

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