Chapter 21

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Tuesday, December 20th, 8:43am

Jonathan scooped up and put a handful of snow on the back of his neck as his grandfather shook his head and sighed.

"Would you care to explain, Jon-El," Jor-El muttered, standing next to Jonathan's kneeling form. "Why your dreamscape is buffering like a mis-wired battleship? I can barely hold my form and keep you conscious in this state."

Jonathan took a few deep breaths as a new wave of nausea flooded through his body. He could feel his real body vaguely roll onto his other side and snuggle deeper into the covers. Dreamscape Jonathan was trying to cool himself off the best he could before a new wave of heat would force him out of bed.

He had drank before, but how many beers had he had in that span of two hours? And he hadn't had a good meal beforehand. On top of that, he was dehydrated from not drinking enough water earlier. The fates had not been kind to him.

Jonathan verped and felt shivers run up his spine. As if on cue, his mouth began to salivate at a dangerous speed. That was not a good sign.

"I'm still waiting for an answer." His grandfather huffed, crossing his arms.
Jonathan bit his tongue and stood up, letting the snow fall down the back of his shirt. When he looked at his grandfather, he noticed that he was blurry, like he was locked in a haze. His grandfather was not in his usual solid form and looked as if he was made of fog. In fact, the entirety of his dream looked that way. Everything was... off.

"I drank and didn't eat anything." Jonathan sucked in a breath and held his hands to the side of his head, as if that was going to stop his vision from spinning. "And now I'm hungover."

Jor-El rolled his eyes and scoffed as Jonathan sat back down. The snow beneath him was melting too fast for him to be able to grab a handful to cool himself down.

"Then let's make this fast," Jor-El snapped his fingers and holograms appeared before him. The scenes from the battle a few days ago flashed and flickered so quickly, Jonathan couldn't comprehend what was happening. All he knew is that if he didn't look away soon, he'd throw up.

"First, your powers are growing at a rate I have never seen. I'm impressed, but also disappointed. All you know is how to throw your power around. You need to train better." Jor-El froze on a screen and zoomed in on Wonder Girl's face. She was dirty and angry, but even through his haze he felt her power and strength.

"Second, this... this..." Jor-El gestured to the screen and stuttered, as though he did not know how to address Wonder Girl. "This blonde born bastard and half breed from a race of vicious and violent women, secluded on an island in the middle of nowhere is creating more problems than solving them. Look at the way she destroys everything around her!

"Unfortunately, it does seem that she knows her enemy." Jor-El sighed and rubbed his face. "Get close to her, Jon-El. Get information out of her, study her, get everything you can from her. I believe that she not only ties to the enemies you are fighting, but to your powers as well."

"Yeah, yeah, I've already discussed this with mom." Jonathan verped again and the saliva in his mouth pooled at a dangerous rate. "Can I please go back to my normal life now?"

"Third," Jor-El clapped his hands and closed off the tabs of his holograms. "I'm worried about you."

Jonathan felt vomit climb up his throat as his grandfather shook his head in pity.

"You are growing weaker, Jon-El," Jor-El kneeled next to his grandson. "Your powers may be growing, but I can feel you grow weaker. Your presence is going to become nonexistent. You need to allow yourself to heal and grow in order to have the strength to continue living."

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