Chapter 25

58 2 4

Monday, January 9, 2023; 4:07pm

Beep. Beep. Beep. Anomaly detected. Out of sector ranger. 851212.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Anomaly detected. Out of sector ranger. 851212.


Clark stood near the door of the silo where Wonder Girl had healed him the first day they met.

He stuffed his hands further in his winter coat and watched his sons run laps around the inner walls of the silo, trying to keep warm. They were dressed as Wonder Girl had asked when they got a letter from her two days prior: a pair of sturdy pants, a shirt they didn't mind staining, good shoes, gloves, a hat, a speaker, and a filled jug of water for each of them.

Clark focused and heated his small area with his heat rays, just enough to feel somewhat comfortable. Outside, he could hear the frigid wind beating against the silo's walls.

Just as Jordan was finishing his 20th lap, a dark figure flew in from the roof and landed in the middle of the dirt floor. She wore long black leggings and a long tight turtleneck with a Washington D.C. dark blue sweatshirt. She had on a pair of chunky black sneakers and a pair of thin gloves on. Her hair was up and tied back into a high ponytail and the bags under her eyes... well they were so defined that Clark could see them from halfway across the room.

In her hands, she held a thick stack of paper in a yellow folder.

The boys stopped their laps and walked towards their dad as Wonder Girl made her way over to him as well.

"I have a schedule prepared for when I am able to teach lessons, a list of goals to meet over the next few weeks, and a document of exercises, both physical and mental, that should be completed outside of lessons," She yawned and handed Clark the yellow folder. "If you have any questions, I wrote down my burner phone number in there. Contact me through that."

Clark nodded and flipped through a few of the pages. "You've done some research."

Wonder Girl pointed to the tabs. One was blue, another was red, and one was yellow. "Each tab has specific information and exercises for a specific person. I studied and learned what would possibly work best according to the action and reactions I've experienced from the person. Yours is the color red, Jordan is blue, and Jonathan is yellow."

Clark nodded and shut the folder. He looked to his sons and gave them a thumbs up. "Alrighty boys, have fun."

"You're not gonna stay?" Jordan asked, taking a swig from his water bottle.

Clark shook his head. "I've had time to train. I'd rather not see my younger self get his ass handed to him again."

Jordan made a face and Jonathan smiled uncomfortably. Clark laughed to himself as he walked out the door and to his truck.

Those boys had no idea what was in it for them.


"This is so stupid," Jordan muttered, stripping off his sweatshirt. "You're literally our age and teaching us how to fight."

Wonder Girl shrugged and moved to the center of the silo. "Your parents asked me to help you guys out. I didn't just volunteer for piss and laughs."

Jordan cracked his neck and began doing half-assed stretches. "This is going to be nothing but a joke."

Wonder Girl dryly laughed. Jonathan watched as the plume of smoke from the heat of her air clouded around her face. "Treat this like a joke and I'll leave you like it's funny. I've got better things to do than stay here and listen to you complain for two and a half hours."

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