Chapter 29

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Cassie carefully closed the back door and waited a moment before rushing off the ice slicked porch, down the gravel path and into the garage.

She needed to get some energy out.

With two pairs of black pants, a pair of short boots, a long sleeve shirt, a thick sweatshirt, her biking jacket, and two pairs of gloves, Cassie was ready for a fast, cold, and long ride.

Clipping her helmet onto her head, she kick started the engine and opened the garage door. As quickly as possible, she shot out the doors.

If she wasn't going to exert her anger through her powers, she was going to do it through speed.


Tim grunted as he shifted the last piece of the broken building off his bike. It was surprisingly intact. He was going to have to ask Alfred who made bikes like these.

Scratches here and there. A few dents near the body of the bike. Some cracked glass near the speedometer. But no gears were broken. The thing still turned on and off perfectly.

Tim picked up his helmet and backpack that he had left near the edge of the alleyway. As he tightened the clasps and shuddered against the feel of the cold plastic against his skin, he wondered what Bruce would say about his unexpected return to Gotham.

Tim rolled his bike to the open mouth of the alleyway, looked both ways and took off down Main Street, careful to avoid the holes in the road and all of the tape blocking off certain parts of the street and sidewalks.

He was a little ways away from the highway, so he took the time to ensure the bike was still in a functional state.

No wobbly wheels, no issues with slowing down or breaking. The speedometer still worked fine. Mileage was still accurate. The seat was still sturdy. His side mirrors were a bit messed up, but that would be a quick fix–

Tim flinched as another motorcycle zoomed past him. Holy shit, that rider was quick.

Narrowing his eyes, Tim spotted the rider taking off down a side street, just before the exit onto the highway. He had never been down that road, but he thought that the street was reserved for truckers and back-road vehicles only.

Maybe it was nothing, maybe it was nobody. But the blonde braid popping out from the back of the helmet kind of gave it away.

Cassie. Blondie.

Tim quickly changed direction and turned down the next street, following Cassie.

Beneath the clear, cold sky, littered with stars and a bright moon, the route was stunning. Somehow, Cassie had found the only route in the entirety of Kansas that had a forest. Eager to catch up to his friend, Tim settled further into his bike and increased his speed.

He wasn't being smart. Part of the roads were still covered with ice. He wasn't familiar with the route and could run off into a tree at any moment. What if he gets caught by a cop? What if he gets caught by Cassie?

Up ahead, he spotted the backlights of Cassie's motorcycle and saw her pause at a stop sign. Soooooo close...gotcha.

Tim rolled up next to her and twisted his head to face her. When she turned back, he revved his engine and took off down the street, his back tire leaving a skid mark on the black street and leaving her with the frost covered sign. But not for long.

Tim smiled to himself when she pulled up right next to him. He slowly increased his speed and chuckled when she kept up.

As if they shared the same mind, Tim let Cassie move a little further, allowing her to take control of the road and let him follow her.

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