Chapter 28 (part 3)

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Sometimes, the easiest way to get something done is to just do it. No plan, no hesitation, no thinking.

Jonathan ran limping towards Oizys. As soon as he got close enough, he blocked out any voice in the back of his head. Oizys' wounds across her collarbone was all healed. The only part of her that was bleeding was the wound where Wonder Girl had originally stabbed her.

He grabbed the hilt and pulled Katoptris out of her skin. It came out of her body easily, and the rest of her wound immediately healed up.

Oizys seemed to wake up from her job of torturing the rest of the team, because the negative emotions of the room became insufferable. Jonathan felt his heart constrict and his throat close up from the pain.

"I knew mortals were idiotic, but I didn't realize that the extent of their stupidity was given to one mortal," Oizys cackled, forcing Jonathan back with a new tendril. Jonathan groaned and felt one of his ribs crack as the tendril sent him across the floor. "Honestly child, did you even think? What kind of hero takes away the only thing weakening their enemy?"

Jonathan stood up, grasping Katoptris as if it were his life force. He pointed the tip of the dagger at Oizys. "The same kind of hero that thrives in the chaos of a fight."

Oizys froze for a moment, her fear filling the room. Her fear was quickly masked with annoyance and a new wave of tendrils emitted from behind her, ready to strike. "And what would you know of chaos? You're just a mortal boy."

Jonathan laughed. Like a real, belly heavy laugh. Was that the fear? Was that even his reaction? Who knows!

Jonathan spread his arms open, as if he were an eagle. Fuck this. He was so sick and tired of feeling scared. He was so fucking done with people and monsters pushing him around. He was so fucking done with people trying to intimidate him. He had powers. He was a force to be reckoned with. He. Wasn't Weak.

He was needed.

Jonathan felt a surge of power enter his system. His blue eyes glowed bright as the power in his veins became visible through his skin. All the pain he had originally felt, all of his bruises and broken bones instantly disappeared. He stood tall and hovered a few feet above the ground.

"Doesn't really matter what I am," Jonathan chuckled, rolling his shoulders. "Just matters what I can do."

The tendrils attacked. Jonathan attacked back.

It's a weird feeling, you know, finally having no fear. It's like a mix of confidence and adrenaline coursing through your veins without giving you a chance to think. And its addictive.

Jonathan felt no fear as he blasted apart the tendrils, and he felt no pain as they cut, sliced, and hit back. With every flip, twist, and dip, a new wave of adrenaline would fuel his powers and he would fight back twice as hard with three times the amount of ferocity and speed as before.

But he knew he would eventually need help. This wave of energy would deplete and he would be screwed.

Jonathan looked around and noticed how Oizys was to focused on producing more tendrils to follow after him that she weakened her hold on the tendrils keeping the rest of his team in place.

Flying in and out of the tendrils reaches, Jonathan flew down to the horizontal figure on the ground and sliced the tendril holding it down.

1 down.

Oizys barely seemed to notice that tendril died, as she was far too in pain from Jonathan freezing her feet to the floor. Screaming like a banshee, she released more tendrils to follow after him. Jonathan, with a smile, realized she was becoming sloppy with her movements. She was just trying to throw whatever she could at him. And it wasn't working.

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