Chapter 28 (Part 2)

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Fuck this. This superhero shit was tiring.

After being slapped around by these pieces of matter that only touch him because of these stupid bracelets, Jordan wanted nothing more than to stuff these things down Wonder Girl's throat and go to bed. Maybe take a warm shower beforehand. And a burger.

Jordan flew behind Oizys' head and waited for another tendril to show up, and as it did, he took a deep breath. The last time he left too early and the tendril followed him around. The time before, he left too late and he got smacked right in the stomach, leaving him unable to breathe.

This time for sure. He'd get it down this time for sur–


To Jordan's absolute and utter horror, Jonathan came crashing into him, being pushed by a tendril. His brother's head crashed into his neck and, once again, Jordan wondered what it would feel like to shove and tear the inside of Wonder Girl's throat with the sharp side of her bracelets.

Huffing, he grabbed Jonathan's jacket collar and flew quickly up, pulling him out of the tendril's grasp and narrowly missing a brick wall.

"Asshole," Jordan hissed, pulling his brother up to face him. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"ME?!" Jonathan made a face and pulled his brother down as he dropped to the street, just barely missing a tendril trying to grab the two of them. "I didn't know it was going to go after both of us!"

"This thing just keeps getting smarter," Jordan grabbed his brother and shifted to the right, out of the way of another random tendril. "If we're going to break this thing, we've–"

Wonder Girl screeched as she toppled into the two boys, sending all three of them scraping along the pavement down Main Street. Jordan bit his tongue and internally screamed as small stones embedded themselves into his skin. He took advantage of his movement to roll from his back onto his feet. As he skidded to a stop, completely annihilating the bottoms of his shoes, he watched his brother tumble like a bowling ball farther down the pavement. Wonder Girl had already made it back into the air and was aiming straight for Oizys.

Jordan groaned as he stood up. Why couldn't Wonder Girl just call on the goddess again like last time?

From an alleyway. A person in a tight blood-red shirt and black pants ran out into the street, right behind Oizys...and right into her forest of tendrils.

"Hey, HEY!" Jordan shouted, hopping towards the person. "GET OUT OF THE STREET! DUDE, GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE!"

But he kept running into the folds of darkness. Jordan hissed in pain and leapt off the ground. This absolute idiot. What'd this guy think he could do? Attack the monster himself? Him and what army? Couldn't he see that even the people with powers couldn't handle this?

But as Jordan flew closer, he blanched at the situation unfolding. The tendrils were dissipating everytime the man touched them. The tendrils even seemed to run (float?) away from him.

When Jordan was about thirty feet away, the man looked up and yelled, "CATCH!"

Time slowed down when the person threw up a knife. A really old and expensive one, by the looks of it. Jordan caught the hilt and observed the beauty of the silver designs.

"STAB IT!" The man yelled, attempting to duck from the tendrils, only to be punched into a wall.

Jordan blinked and stabbed the next tendril that tried to go after him. As the tendril disappeared and ashes fell to the ground, Oizys screamed bloody murder and spun to face Jordan. He made the same face as a guilty six-year-old who was caught taking more chocolate after his mom had cut him off. She narrowed her eyes and turned her attention to the knife in his hands.

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