Chapter 6 (Part 3)

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Cassie groaned as she slipped off the roof of the car and leaned against the minivan door. She was surprised nothing inside her had burnt to a crisp yet.

Pushing off the side of the car, Cassie stumbled towards Superman and Momus, who were now standing in a standoff. One of the masked men was on the ground, one was frozen, one had gone after Lois...where was the fourth?

Her question was answered a second later when she felt the butt of a gun placed directly behind her head. She let out a shuddering breath and with light speed, did an aerial flip forward, kicking the gun out from the masked man's hands. When she landed facing the man, the gun dropped directly into her hands and was pointing directly at his chest.

Re-aiming, she shot his arms and legs. Well, attempted to. He didn't fall or crumple. That must mean, Cassie assumed as she snapped another gun in half, all of them were wearing some sort of armor beneath their clothes.

"Really not in the mood to be doing this." Cassie muttered as the man took out a dagger and came at her.

Cassie dodged and fought back as best as she could, but he fought quickly and didn't need to make big cuts to hurt her. Little by little, Cassie's arms and torso were torn up by smaller cuts made by the dagger. And not only did they sting like shit, they also were turning an ugly shade of purple.

Poisoned daggers were easily one of Cassie's least favorite weapons. She could deal with a cut here and there, but when the cut was infected with a material meant to kill you? That was a new level of annoying.

As their fight continued, Cassie began to find a pattern in her partner's moves. Stab, jump away, slice, jab, kick, move away, come back and jab again.

As he attempted to jab at Cassie, she ducked and swiped his feet out from under him. When he fell, Cassie scrambled, grabbed the dagger and slashed his Achilles tendons and wrist tendons.

Now he wouldn't be much of a weapon.

Cassie stood up and wiped the sweat off her brow. As she looked up, she saw Superman blast backwards down the street, lightning trailing across his body like an outside set of veins. He hit the ground and rolled several times, but even as he tried to stop himself and stand back up, Cassie knew he was too defeated to get back up and do real damage.

Cassie grabbed her arm and looked over at Momus, who was smirking and looking back at her.

"This is pathetic, even for you, young Amazon." Momus rumbled, he pointed Zeus's lightning bolt at her. "Ah well, better luck next time."

In that exact moment, Cassie honestly thought she had seen it all. But, like almost everything, she was wrong.

A red blast of energy emerged from the other side of the road, hitting Momus right in the face. He stumbled back and hit a car. He tried holding his hand up to block the red energy, but it just kept getting stronger and stronger every time Momus tried pushing it back.

Cassie looked across the street and inwardly kicked herself. Standing in the alleyway where she dropped him off was Jordan Kent, standing up against a Greek god.

His face was tight with strain, but he wasn't letting up. Cassie took a deep breath and ran towards Momus. Using her lasso, she tied his upper body and flew around him, tying the rest of him up as well.

She didn't need to tell him to stop, but Jordan seemed to sense when his distraction was no longer needed. Once the red beams stopped, Momus fell to the ground with his body still steaming from the radiation.

Cassie held her lasso tightly as she kneeled on her right leg on Momus's chest and turned his face towards her. It was just as bad as she imagined. Wonder Woman had previously taught her of past villains she, and other heroes, had faced. One of them was Batman's rival, Two-Face.

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