Chapter 6 (Part 2)

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Jordan coughed out dust as he slumped against a brick wall in an alleyway. His throat still burned and he couldn't seem to move his limbs correctly.

Another gunshot went off and Jordan flinched violently. He began crawling away from the spot Wonder Girl had dropped him off a few minutes before.

She was an absolute beast. He had never seen her in person before, but the way she moved when she fought was like a dream. She had such controlled strength with incredible agile and fluid movements, Jordan wished she would train him instead of his father.

Bullets peppered the wall above his head. Jordan felt tears fall through his clenched eyes and fall down his cheeks as he curled into a ball and covered his head, cowering from the noise. There was to much happening, too many people to save, too much going—

Jordan opened his eyes and blasted one of the animal masked men in the hand with his laser eyes. Jordan hissed with pain and grabbed the sides of his head as he tried to stop the rays obliterating everyone in town.

He had to calm down, he had to say calm, he had to focus on good thing—

"Jordan, close your eyes." He heard his mother shout from behind him.

Jordan spun around and would've annihilated his mother if his father wasn't standing in front of her. Superman grunted at the rays hitting him in the chest. He stumbled back a few paces but wouldn't give up.

As Superman took the brunt of the force, Lois rushed around and grabbed her son. She knelt on the gravel, the rocks ripping her leggings, and held his head against her chest as Jordan slowly closed his eyes and cried. Jordan gripped his mother and let her hold him tight.

Superman walked past them right into the line of fire, completely ignoring his wife and son behind him.

"Jonathan—" Jordan gasped, his grip around her arms becoming suffocating. "Jonathan was—Mom he's under—Mom I let him die."

"Shhhh, baby." Lois whispered, scooching closer to the wall as plaster and brick remnants rained down on them. "Hold on."

"Mom," Jordan croaked, opening his bloodshot eyes. "Jonathan was crushed and it's all my fault. I should've pushed him aside and I should've been the one to get hit but now I can't save him and he told me to not go after the guys and I was to stupid—"

Lois shushed him and shook him to stop. When he silenced, there were no bullets being shot and there were no screams of fear. Only the crunch of gravel and asphalt below a few pairs of feet.

Lois let go of her son and stood up. She dusted herself off and peaked on the other side of the wall. A small gasp flew from her lips. Jordan crawled and looked out from behind his mother's legs.

In the middle of the street was Wonder Girl standing behind the white wolf man who was kneeling with a golden-red rope tied around his chest and arms. Superman stood in front of them both while the four other masked men formed a square perimeter.

"...trying to help." Jordan heard his dad say. "You're creating chaos that is hurting others."

Wonder Girl visibly flinched at that sentence. The man in the black mask seemed to feel it through the rope and laughed at her uncomfort.

"So you know then, huh girlie?" The man said, turning his head slightly to face her. "You know what you're up against?"

Wonder Girl said nothing, but Jordan could see her hand wrapping around the rope ever so slightly. Her brows furrowed together in a concentrated manner. A light spark of lightning skittered over the edge of the golden-red lasso.

Superman looked up at her and took a deep breath, as if sensing her sudden change in mood. He then looked around at the other four men, still holding their guns at the ready.

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