Chapter 31 (part 1)

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Monday, February 20

"That's such a bullshit call!" A freshman from the other team argued as Jonathan grabbed the ball. Sticking out his tongue and placing an L on his forehead, he slipped under the net and walked to his end of the court.

Gym volleyball was more competitive than some of the football games Tim had witnessed, which was saying something. Especially for the people in Kansas.

Today's gym class was packed to the brim with students, which was why Tim and Jonathan's team had two extra players sitting against the bleachers, waiting with the other team's three extra players to rotate in.

Tim stood in middle-back, waiting for Jonathan to finish egging on the other team. When Tim finally cleared his throat, Jonathan rolled his eyes and served the ball over. Just like the last three points, it fell in between the two girls in the back.

"Ace." Tim muttered as one of the other team members added a point to their scoreboard.

"Alright! Switch teams! Move one to your left!" Ms.Arenas shouted over the gym music, making swirling motions with her arms to keep the groups moving.

Each team groaned and trudged over to their new spots. Tim watched as Jonathan tried (and failed) to inconspicuously look for Cassie, who was on the other side of the gym, chatting with her group of friends. One of them playfully shoved her with their shoulder, banging into her right arm. Cassie visibly winced and forcibly laughed off the pain she felt.

Tim wanted to know, for better or for worse, two things: who the fuck hurt her and if God was going to have mercy on them. Because once Tim found out who they were, he certainly wasn't.

For the life of him, Tom couldn't place a finger on Cassie's aesthetic of clothing choices, but ripped up sweatpants and a paint stained sweater were not on his list of clothing items she would normally wear to school. She looked disheveled... and not the fun kind.

Jonathan seemed to notice it as well. That or he just really enjoyed sneaking glances at her any chance he could.

Tim pulled Jonathan to the back wall, allowing for the other two players to sub in. As soon as the rest of the rest of the classes were set, new games began.

The game started off slow, each team unsure of how to approach the other. Tim rolled up his sweatshirt sleeves as Jonathan pulled off his hoodie. Out of the corner of his eye, Tim could see three girls on the court diagonally to the left of them start giggling and whispering aggressively.

"You've got quite the fan club," Tim whispered, careful to not draw too much attention. Jonathan balled up his sweatshirt and slid it down the gym floor to the corner of the room. "Aaaannnndddd you don't give two shits."

Jonathan snorted, straightening out his black compression shirt over the top of his jeans. "Should I?"

Tim shrugged and stood up and he was subbed in. "Not really. Just thought I should let you know that there are...other girls to notice. Especially ones that have an interest in you."

Jonathan flipped him off. Tim chuckled as he served the ball. He cursed as it hit the net and as the point went to the other team. Jonathan was quickly subbed in and a new conversation started.

"—but I don't know. I really want to ask her, but she said she's not ready for anything." Jonathan bumped and passed the ball to the right side hitter who spiked it over. "So obviously I'm not gonna be weird and keep going after her, but I think I'm still gonna work to get her attention. Like, like..."

"Like manipulating her into liking you?" Tim set the ball up and let Jonathan spike it over, winning the team another point.

"You make me sound like a complete ass, but yeah," Jonathan pushed Tim up to the front of the court as he took his position in the back left corner. "Maybe once she notices me in a cool way, not like a close friend slash family friend slash homie, maybe she'd change her mind."

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