Chapter 3

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August 15, 2022; 10:17am:

"Crows, Crows, hear us caw! Fear the bird and fear our claws!"

Jonathan looked over at Jordan whose sealed lips were shaking, threatening to burst from the held-in laughter.

But once the boys caught each other's eyes, it was all over.

Laughter tumbled out of their mouths and right onto the field. Several players eyed them suspiciously while others smiled and chuckled, understanding their sudden fit of giggles. The cheer leaders across the field paused their horrible rhymes and watched as the Kent twins leaned against each other, trying not to fall on the dirt floor as tears ran down their faces.

"Kents! Back in line! We're running the play again!" Coach Gaines yelled, his voice already becoming scratchy and hoarse. "Pay attention this time! I'd hate to stay after and make you boys hold planks!"

The players quickly fell into line, the thought of extra minutes of planks scaring them into submission.

Jonathan followed behind Jordan, careful to stay out of the coach's sight. A few chuckles escaped out of him, the silence making them seem louder than usual.

Coach Gaines fixed his cap, his black skin already shining with sweat at 8am.

"This is going to be a rough year, boys." Gaines started off, wiping his forehead. "Despite our small school size, SHS has allowed the football team to move up in the divisions. So, we were originally in Division D-II, but now we're in Division C-I. The best division, as we all know, is A-I, but we're definitely too small for that kind of game.

"Some of these boys will be faster and stronger, but you guys are the underdogs. You've managed to defeat all the odds and still make it out on top." Gaines looked each player directly in the eyes. "Let's use that to our advantage this year and make Smallville proud!"

Jonathan looked to his brother, who was more focused on the girl in the stands then the speech that was directed to him.

Jonathan didn't need to look up to see who it was. Sarah Cortez was probably typing a new story on her laptop on the dented and ruined bleachers, baking under the sun. Her normally curly hair was probably pulled back into a bun, and her usual flannel was replaced by a gray tank top and ripped jean shorts with worn out boots. The same outfit she wore every time she watched the boys practice.

"Alright, on the field! Start warm ups and then we'll get straight into conditioning!" Gaines shouted, making the group scatter onto the grass field. "Y'all are gonna be hurting tonight!"

Gaines was right.

After exiting off the field that day, Jonathan thought he was going to faint, from the heat and malnutrition. He had forgotten to eat breakfast and regretted it considerably.

He peeled off his pads and used the hose on the side of the school to cool down while the other players tried (but failed) to take off the rest of their equipment. Only Jordan seemed unaffected.

"At least only 5 people threw up. Not like last time." He said shrugging, chucking his pads to the ground.

Jonathan sneered and sprayed him with the hose. "How are you not dying of heat?"

Jordan smiled and wiped the hose water off his face. He combed out his curly locks. "I guess I was just better prepared."

Jonathan rolled his eyes and sprayed his brother again, earning a reprimand by Gaines.

When their uniforms were packed away and everything was neatly stacked in the storage unit, Jordan and Jonathan walked out black onto the field and waited as Sarah walked over to them.

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