Chapter 12 (Part 2)

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Jordan, out of breath and exhausted, landed on the soft soil of the abandoned field 20 miles from home. He placed his hands on his knees and coughed from the dry air until he swore his throat was bleeding.

Meanwhile, Jonathan looked around his arms spread out away from him as he twirled around. His blue eyes were frighteningly bright in the dark morning. It was as though two neon blue spotlights had replaced his real eyes.

An October gust of wind blew through the air, rattling the wheat the boys were standing in.

For the last few jumps, Jordan was unable to spot any source of life, which is why he assumed Jonathan stopped here. But why this specific field and why now?

Jordan pushed himself into a standing position and stumbled back a bit. His shorts and t-shirt weren't doing anything for the cold, and it didn't help that he didn't have any shoes or socks. Jonathan, on the other hand, wore long checkered pants, with a striped long sleeved shirt, and socks with slides. He was breaking every fashion rule in the book, but at least he was warm.

"Now," Jordan huffed, his throat stinging from the cold air. "You wanna tell me what the hell is going on?"

Jonathan laughed into the air. Steam shot into the air like a rocket and dissipated instantly. Jordan tried not to run away. Sure it was cold out, but not cold enough to see one's breath yet.

"Did you know that dad knew all along about my powers?" Jonathan asked the world. "Did you know that he knew but he pushed away the thought and never tried to have me tested?"

Jonathan spun towards his brother, his neon blue eyes narrowing. He was smiling without happiness when he whispered, "And I think it was because of you."

Jordan snorted. "Yeah ok. I think you got hit one too many times yesterday at practice, Jon."

Jonathan chuckled, steam still rolling out of his mouth. "Oh yeah, blame the brain damage. But here's my thought..."

He began walking towards his brother, slowly. Like a lion on the hunt. "You were mom and dad's first priority because of all your fucking mental issues. They focused so much on you, that I was forgotten about. They focused so much on you, that maybe, just maybe, when they realized you had powers, it was easy for them to comprehend because they could finally give reason to your pathetic problems!"

Jordan felt his heart shatter as he walked backwards, trying to get away. Where was this coming from? What was going on?


"So now, when I have powers, dad is afraid because he doesn't know why THE FUCK I HAVE THEM OR WHERE THEY STEMMED FROM!" Jonathan shot ice rays at Jordan, who barely ducked in time. When he rose from the ground, the wheat around him were now popsicles.

Jordan looked at his brother in horror. Ice rays? From the eyes? He and his father had heat rays. Why on Earth would Jonathan have ice rays?

Jonathan continued advancing. He was shaking with fury. "Don't worry though. I'll be ok soon. I just have to get rid of one thing that's in my way between me and our parents. Full. Undivided. Attention."

Jordan jumped in the air as Jonathan blew fire in his direction. He stayed in the air in the pitch black darkness as he watched his brother burn millions of unharvested wheat plants. It was like watching a world burn.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are, BROTHER!" Jonathan cackled. Jordan gulped with fear. "I may not be able to fly, but I can surely get you down if you don't do it yourself first!"

Jordan said nothing, and tried his best to remain in the air as the cold wind nipped the tops of his ears. He heard his brother sigh.

"Alright then! Have it your way!"

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