Chapter 31 (part 2)

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Friday, March 4, 12:18am

"Seriously, you're such a lifesaver," Sam, the soccer player said as he walked past where Jonathan was standing in the basement, Eun tugging him along to a secluded corner.

Jonathan, who was talking to two girls, holding a red solar cup full of whatever jungle juice mixture Sam had made earlier in the night, raised his cup in salutation and took a sip. The two girls he was talking to watched him with clouded, drunk fascination.

Compared to Marcus' parties, this one was smaller and tamer, but the people were just as drunk.

This invite-only party was held in Sam's basement. Drinks and food were upstairs, but everyone who wanted to stay over were told to stay in the basement to ensure that no cops were called for a rowdy house.

Despite the basement being unfinished, it was still more fun than other places Jonathan had partied at. On one end of the basement, people were resting and talking on three sets of long couches in a U formation. A tv and game set propped up against the cement walls closed off the U formation. In the middle of the room was the staircase leading upstairs. People mostly stood there if they were making quick runs to go to the bathroom or grabbing another drink. On the other side of the room was a pool table, darts board, and more chairs to sit.

There must have been at least 30 people crowded together in this small, unfinished basement. Smoke and disco lights flashed around people's dancing bodies as music emitted from a speaker somewhere in the room. Jonathan could barely hear his own thoughts... and that was quite relaxing.

"What was that about?" One of the girls, a blonde in the grade below, asked after he finished taking a drink. Flirtatiously, she took his cup and stole a sip, leaving her lipstick stain on the rim.

Jonathan smirked. "I may or may not have put in a good word for Sam with Eun."

The other girl, a cute African American in his grade, placed her hand over her heart. "Look at you! Are you always so considerate?"

Jonathan shrugged, shifting closer to the girls as someone passed behind him to go up the stairs. Leaning in, he whispered, "With everything I do."

He was completely lying out of his ass. He's kissed a few girls here and there and even had a make-out session, but he never went so far as to have sex with someone. He honestly wanted to wait for the right person. Someone he could trust and really learn with. He didn't want to give it up for a girl who would ignore him the next time they saw each other.

The junior year girl's eyes widened as she looked him up and down. The blonde chick looked like she wanted to say something, but another girl came over and dragged them to the pool table.

Jonathan was left alone with his thoughts. But not for long, because Anasi came over and finished off his drink. She looked good tonight. Tight maroon long-sleeved shirt that had a low, V neck dip with black leather pants. Her hair was up in a ponytail and her eyes were covered with glittery eyeshadow with a slick wing. Her beautiful lips were dark with black lipstick.

"Woooaaahhh, since when did you pull such moves?" He asked, taking back the empty cup. Groaning, he turned the cup upside down and glared at his friend. "That was such a bitchy move. Why does everyone keep stealing my drinks?"

"Calm down, I just needed some liquid luck and I didn't need much." Anasi said, breathing deeply through her nose and out through her mouth. Jonathan looked a little closer and saw her smudged lipstick and small dark spots on her neck. Her shirt looked a bit rumpled and her sleek ponytail wasn't as tightly wound as it had been when they first arrived tonight.

"Do you trust him?" Jonathan asked, forcing Anasi to look at him. She raised an eyebrow and he clarified, "The guy you were making out with. Are you comfortable with him? He's not making you feel pressured, right? And you're sober enough to be making your decisions?"

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