Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Beep. Beep. Beep. Anomaly detected. Section 92224 20152314.


Tuesday, December 6, 4:46pm

Jonathan was grateful that football was over. Main reason? He didn't have to stay outside in the cold as much.

As Jonathan laid in his bed reading the Sword of Destiny, he occasionally looked out the window and watched as the sky turned foggy and the sunlight that had been shining all morning quickly hid behind the large blanket of gray clouds. Large gusts of winds blew through the fields, making the golden wheat bend to its will.

It had been a peaceful few days. Thanksgiving had come and gone. Extended family members had shown up with unnecessary opinions and left with a promise not to be invited to the next celebrations.

So came December, with its promises to be frigid cold but warm enough so that snow may never fall.

"Jon, let's go! Mom's already in the car!"

Jonathan huffed as he placed his book down on his covers. The green wolf medallion on the cover shined and glared at Jonathan as he slipped on his converse and coat and ran downstairs.

Lana Lang was holding a volunteer event for any high schoolers in need of hours, and Lois had signed both of her boys up without hesitation. Thankfully, Sarah, Tim and Anasi would also be there.

"Dad!" Jonathan called out as he slid down the stairs. When he reached the bottom step and spun on the banister in search of his father. "Dad did you–"

"Mom has it in the car." Clark called from somewhere in the house.

"Thank you!" Jon shouted back, opening the door and running out to the truck. The bitterness of the cold hit him like a broken screen door hitting the frame. Maybe jeans and a simple t-shirt weren't enough, even with his coat.

Jonathan hissed as he zipped up his coat and hopped into the warm truck. Jordan sat in the driver's seat wearing black sweatpants and a Crow Football Club sweatshirt while Lois sat in the passenger's side. She was dressed nicer in her nice, brown boots, khakis, and a black puffer coat over a white button down. Her hair was spiraled up in a bun that looked tighter than a new hair tie. Jonathan rolled his eyes as he buckled up and Jordan put the truck in reverse. Of course his brother would want to drive to the event. They both had their licenses for a good time now, but while Jordan enjoyed driving behind the wheel, Jonathan couldn't quite understand the fascination for it.

The drive was quiet except for the occasional clink of machinery or crunch of gravel. It was a familiar tune that Jonathan almost smiled to. Almost.

As they made their way into town, Jonathan looked out the window and watched as people in their big puffer coats and old hats huddled together as they made their ways from one store to another. He smiled and laughed to himself at the fact that the only part of their face that he could see was their annoyed eyes.

The people of Kansas hated winter as much as people from New Jersey hated out-of-state bagels.

"Jordan, break...break, Jordan. Jordan!" Lois shouted as the car came to a sudden stop.

Jonathan whipped his head back to the front of the car, his heart rate shooting through the roof. In front of the car was a crosswalk where a group of middle schoolers were walking across. Their muffled shouts at Jordan faded as they ran the rest of the way across the street.

"You need to pay attention!" Lois scolded, lightly smacking him on the arm. "This machine is a privilege and a death sentence! You have to always be alert! Always!"

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