Chapter 17

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Anomaly detected. Section 12151441514.


Friday, November 18th, 6:13pm

"Are you sure you're going to be ok with Timmy being here?" Jordan asked Jonathan as he finished tying his scarlet tie.

Jonathan huffed in response but didn't say anything to deny that he wasn't ok with it. Cassie promised Timmy would behave, and even though Jonathan didn't know whether or not to trust Cassie, he did know that if something were to happen, she wouldn't hesitate to handle it.

The group was going to be taking pictures at the Kent's before heading off to the dance at 7. Everyone was going to arrive between 6:15 and 6:30 so that they would have a decent amount of time to relax, grab something to eat and then be ready to leave.

Sarah was going to drive them all to the dance in her mom's new van. Ever since Lana was elected mayor, she felt the need to buy a larger vehicle for any projects she may want to undertake as a more "hands-on and personal" mayor.

Jordan silently stepped in Jonathan's room. He watched as his brother cursed at himself in the mirror, unable to make his light pink tie look somewhat presentable. He rolled his eyes at his brother's clumsy attempt to make a nice knot. He spun his brother to face him and did it for him.

"I'm glad you asked Anasi, even if the two of you are just going as friends." He said, patting the fabric on his brother's shoulders down. "She's a sweetheart."

Jonathan smirked. "Better make sure your date doesn't hear you say that."

Jordan chuckled. "Oh please, I'm wrapped around her finger and she knows it," He walked towards the door of his brother's room, but before he walked into the hall, he turned back around and winked, "And I have no plans of leaving her anytime soon."

Jonathan smiled to himself, secretly hating the fact that he was jealous of the bond Jordan and Sarah had.

He sighed and grabbed his coat off his chair. As he trudged his way out of the room, he turned back slightly and looked over his shoulder.

His room was a mess with remnants of splintered bookshelves under his bed and in his closet, torn posters, clothes askew and open books taking up most of his bed.

With the days getting shorter and weather getting colder, all Jonathan kept thinking was how he was going to better deal with everything happening in his head. His rage, his silent screams to be released from his hell, his pain, his...his...his...

He wanted so badly to find a release.

He wanted so badly to find his old self again.

"Jonathan, let's go! Sarah and Anasi just pulled into the driveway!"


"OMW over now sry mom got home late from work" Jonathan read aloud to the group.

"Yes!" Sarah shouted, waving her phone in the air. "I knew it!"

Everyone laughed while the parents grabbed another beverage. They quickly learned that the group of kids had made "bingo cards". They had filled blank bingo sheet boxes with what a person may say or do. Something to see how well each of them knew each other, Sarah had said walking through the door, checking off a box on her phone.

"Wait, wait, wait! Someone check!" Tim scrambled for her phone. "There's no way you're about to get it all so quick!"

"Box one," Sarah began, running away from Tim. Her black corset top dress with red roses and green vines tailed behind her a bit. Her black converse slapped against the hardwood floors. Her dark curls were pulled into a high ponytail that jumped up and down with every step she took. "When I walked in the door, Jordan wouldn't compliment me, he would just look at me in awe."

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