Chapter 24

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Tuesday, January 3, 5:26pm

Cassie closed her eyes as ash washed over her. She shivered and tried hard not to flinch when she heard the cheers of the Amazons vibrate around the amphitheater.

This was the third execution of an immortal in the last two weeks. Limos, Erebus, and Ponos all suffered the same fate by Apate. A sword through the back. This last execution was of Ponos, who smiled at Cassie before his ash decorated her Amazon uniform.

As the rest of the Amazons stood and began talking about new orders, training times, and the next shipments of pottery being sold where and when, Cassie stood up and walked out of the arena.

She shook off any excess ash and hiked up the skirt of her gown. She loved her Amazon uniform, but man it was heavy. The dress had several layers of white linen that fell to the floor and dragged a bit in the dust, but was easy to walk in thanks to a slit on the right side of the dress. It was held up with a one shoulder design with a tight gold belt, cinching just a little too tight around her waist. Her worn sandals slapped the white marble steps as she finished her ascent up the amphitheater.

Cassie's gold bracelets reflected the fire's light in the open bowls nailed on the outside of the pillars that held the amphitheater's dome. Cassie's simple gold forehead band glowed a bright orange from the light and her gold earrings reflected the light back onto the marble ground.

It was quiet in the streets. With everyone still at the amphitheater, there were no white noises of work and conversations following her wherever she walked. The streets were clean and cleared from the earlier days work, with no excess clay pots and carts resting against the walls and corner streets.

"Your scars are healing nicely," A kind voice broke the silent seal of the night. Cassie turned behind her to see Hippolyta smiling gently. "You are taking good care of them."

Cassie bowed at the waist but did not know how to reply. Thankfully, she didn't need to. When she rose, Hippolyta walked forward and slightly moved Cassie's hair off her shoulder. Hippolyta's hair was pulled back into a fishtail braid with occasional hair strands framing her cheeks. She had beautiful brown eyes that put the amber stones to shame. Just as all meetings, the queen wore a light purple toga with a large purple cape which she accessorized with the normal Amazonian bicep bracelets, gold bracelets, gold sandals, her gold crown, and her infamous golden belt. Gone was the golden scepter with the eagle of Zeus standing on top of it.

"You have new ones as well," Hippolyta smiled sadly, looking at Cassie's arms, collarbone, and cheeks. "You seem to be collecting them like medals."

Cassie shrugged. "They prove that I'm working hard in training."

"Or are they proof that you are paying for the sins you committed?" Hippolyta asked back, raising an eyebrow. Cassie felt a chill down her spine as Hippolyta nodded down the road. "Walk with me."

Cassie bit the inside of her cheek and followed closely next to the Amazon queen.

Despite Cassie's connection to Diana and Donna, along with her close training and education through the Amazons from higher power, Cassie never felt close to Hippolyta. To be fair, she was the queen and always had other duties to attend. But still... Cassie thought that she would feel a little bit normal standing next to Hippolyta's side. Instead, she just felt out of place.

The two remained silent and listened to their sandals slap against the cobblestone street as they made their way away from the main village and into the open farms and rocky hills. Over the rolling lands, beyond her reach, the sun was setting and painting a beautiful red, orange, pink, and purple sky.

Hippolyta walked along a particular rocky section, and found the spot she was looking for. She lifted up her skirts and sat down, allowing the fabric to spill around her like a drop of paint on a gray canvas. She crossed her legs and patted a spot next to her, urging Cassie to take a seat as well.

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