chapter 9

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The next day
Delaney POV

I woke up to someone poking my face. I opened my eyes to see Martin smiling.

"Buenos dias" I smiled and picked him up onto my bed.
"Buenos dias Nani"
"Why are you up so early?" I yawned
"I want to go to the beach" He pouted
"Oh yeah, who gave you that idea?" I replied
"I had a dream about it" He said confidentially.
"Okay, well let's go ask mama if we can go" I said getting up
"Yay!" He said as we ran over to my moms room.

We walked in and found my mom putting her makeup on.

"Hola mis amores" She said smiling
We went over to give her a hug. "Mami can we please go to the beach today?" Martin whined
"Well I can't take you today. Sorry mijo, I have a meeting to go to" She replied.
"I can take them if that's okay with you?" I said as I noticed Martin start to get upset
"Can you? That would be great" My mom smiled. I nodded. Martin instantly smiled and started jumping up and down.
"Maybe you can ask Gavi or Lena to go with you, so that you're not alone" My mom added
"Okay, go pick out a swimsuit and pack a few toys, while I get ready and call Gavi" I said to Martin, walking out the door.

I walked over to my room, had a quick shower and changed into a quick outfit. A crop top, and some shorts since I would mostly be wearing my swimsuit. We had a small home on the beach, so we had a place to change and everything over there. I grabbed my phone as I brushed my hair, to call Gavi.


"Que tal? Todo bien?"

"Si, i just wanted to call and ask if you had any plans for today. Or if you wanted to come to the beach with Martin, Lucas, and I"

"I'm free today. Of course I'll go with you guys. Pedri is out of town visiting his parents either way"

"Okay, we're getting ready now"

"Okay, I'll pick you guys up"

I hung up and tossed my phone into my backpack. I walked over to wake up Lucas.
"Good morning mi amor" I said picking him up

He was usually a happy person in the morning, so it was easy to get him ready. We got him changed into his outfit and walked over to Martins room. Martin was already set with his change of clothes and his backpack.

"Gavi will be coming with us, so we just have to eat some breakfast and he'll be on his way" I said to Martin and my mom
"That's nice of him, let's go eat some waffles!" My mom smiled as we walked out of the room and downstairs.

I set Lucas on his highchair while my mom began to toast some waffles and I set our belongings near the door. Just then my phone rang.

Papi 🧸

"Hola hija, cómo estás?"


"Are you still mad at me?"

"I'm sorry, I'm not mad. I just wished you were home more often. You've missed almost all of my soccer season, I needed your support"

"I know. And I am sorry. But I promise I will be there for your last two games"


"So what are you all up to today?"

"Well, mom has to go to work. Gavi and I are taking Lucas and Martin to the beach"

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