Chapter 58

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My eyes begin to water as I cry tears of joy. Gavi looks over to us and blows me a kiss as he continues celebrating with the team. He rarely scores, so this is a special moment and it couldn't have been more perfect.

The match ends and Gavi runs over to where we are seated. He stands us on the fence and I get up to meet him. He hops over and pulls me into a hug.
"Te amo princesa" he kisses my lips and wipes my tears away.
"Yo también Pablo. This is so amazing. I can't believe we just did that" we both chuckle as I cup his face. He looks so happy and proud of this moment.

"Te amo Mateo" he smiles picking up Mateo. Mateo cheers and celebrates the goal with him. He points to the field, signaling he wants to go down.
"Can I take him?" Gavi asks me.
"Sure. I'll wait for you two down at the exit" I reply. He gives me a kiss before jumping down with Mateo.

I stay and catch up with the other families. Unfortunately Sira couldn't be here, but I know she'd be just as happy.

I begin walking down to the exit close to the locker rooms, I find a seat and wait for the boys.

pablogavi892,728 likeste amo princesa ❤️user1: congratulations on your baby!! joaofelix79: enhorabuena :)

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te amo princesa ❤️
user1: congratulations on your baby!!
joaofelix79: enhorabuena :)

"Enhorabuena! Im so happy for you two" ferran says as he walks over to me.
"Gracias Fer, it means a lot to me" he pulls me into a hug.
"Do we know yet if I'm going to have a niece or nephew" he smirks.
"No not yet" I laugh.
"Either way, I know I'll be the favorite uncle" he shrugs.
I'm glad that Pablo's friends are equally as excited.

Shortly after, Pablo and Mateo walk out. Mateo runs over to me and hugs me.
"Should we wait for Pedro? I wanted to go out and celebrate" Gavi asks. I nod.
"Fer, you should come too" I say.
"Sure, that sounds good with me" he smiles.

We wait for pedri who walks out not too long after.
"Sorry I took long, is everyone ready?" Pedri asks as he walks over. We nod and begin to walk toward the exit.
"I'm so happy for you. I know you're getting the love you deserve and I'm so happy you're growing your family with my best friend" pedri says to me as he walks beside me.
"Aww Pedro, That's so sweet of you to say" I hug him as he places an arm around my shoulder.
"I mean it" he smiles.

We all go in our separate cars and drive off toward our favorite restaurant in town. When we arrive, we wait for everyone to show up before we walk in.

We're seated eventually, at a long table, large enough for all of us.


After dinner, we all get ready to head our own ways. Mateo asked to spend the night with Pedri, so he'll be going with him for a few days.
"Te amo mi amor. Be good with your papa" I kiss his cheek, as he gives me a hug .
"Okay mama" he smiles.
Gavi hugs him goodbye and hands him over to pedri. We walk out to the parking lot and say our goodbyes.

We head home so we can both relax. Our phones have been blowing up with calls from our parents and families. We take turns calling his parents and mine to give them the good news. Everyone is so excited for us and for this new beginning. Obviously we have Mateo, but this is going to be different. I won't feel alone ever. I remember how things went when I found out  about Mateo, and I never wish to go back.

"Estas bien?" Pablo asks as he grabs my hand and places it in his.
"I was just thinking about when I was pregnant with Mateo, and how I felt so alone in the beginning" I sigh.
"I promise that you'll never feel that way ever again. I'm never letting go of you" he smiles causing me to blush.
"Te amo, te amo, te amo Pablo" I pout and lean over to kiss his lips.
"Yo más" he winks.
"So we should start planning names" I smile
"Amor, we have to wait at least a week to find the gender" he laughs.
"Okay, true. But I'm just so excited, I can't wait" I reply.
"I'll be happy either way" he leans his head on mine as we scroll through names online.

(Sorry this chapter is so short, but I'm going to start being more consistent w writing) :))

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