chapter 22

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4 days later.
Delaney POV
Today was the day. My last day here in Barcelona. I had already shipped off my belongings and all that I had left to take was my backpack with my most important things.

I made it a priority to hangout with Gavi and my siblings everyday leading up this day. Lena had been traveling for a few weeks but she already known my plan. Besides my parents only she knew where I was moving to. She was going to meet me in Madrid to help me move in. I still hadn't told Gavi I was leaving, but i wrote out a letter that I would leave for him.

I got dressed in my airport outfit and walked around my apartment one last time to make sure I didn't leave anything. I turned off the lights and walked out toward my car. Gavi had practice this morning but I knew I had to give him the letter before I left. I quickly drove to his house and knocked on the door.

"Buenos días" he smiled hugging me
"Buenos días, I know you're heading out already but I just wanted to give you this. Please don't open it until later" I sighed handing it to him.
"Ooh a secret. Okay" he smiled. It broke me more knowing he had no idea.
"Well I'll let you head out then" I said looking down
"Okay, I'll see you soon right?" He asked
"Okay. Good luck today, and remember that I love you" I said smiling
"Well, I love you too" he said. We stared at each other and before I knew it I was kissing his lips. He grabbed my chin and moved our lips in sync. It was perfect.
"I loved that. Thank you hermosa" he smiled
"I love you. I love you" I said hugging him. I quickly got in my car before I began to cry. I waved as I drove off towards the airport.

I know that I should've told him in person but somehow this was making it easier. Besides it's like Ferran had told me once, things were better before I showed up. Maybe things would be better for Gavi as well.

I had already said my goodbyes with my parents and siblings. Martin was very upset but I promised to make it up to him soon. Lucas was sad but I'm not sure how much he really understood.
I got to the airport and one of my dads drivers was waiting there. I handed him my car keys and he would make sure they sent it off to Madrid.
I went through security and checked in before getting to my gate.

I waited until my plane was called and we began to board.

Gavi POV
After seeing Delaney this morning I instantly knew today was going to be a good day. I've wanted to kiss her so badly forever, and the kiss couldn't have been more perfect. I smiled as I pulled up to practice.
After practice i sat on the bench of the field and pulled out the letter she had given me.

Dear Pablo,
Please don't hate me after you read this. It was a very hard decision for me to make. The truth is that I'm moving away, and I didn't plan on telling anyone but my parents. Everything just got really complicated too fast and I realized I've caused a bit of drama between you all. Someone once told me that things were better before I came in, and maybe they were right. So I'm going away, and i hope this will fix things. I've asked my parents not to tell anyone where I'm going. I've loved hanging out with you these past days, you're who I'll miss the most. The truth is I've come to realize that I love you, and I hope the universe will bring us back together one day. I'm changing phone numbers and everything so that once everyone finds out I've left I don't get questions. I just wanted to give you a chance to know a bit of why I've left.
I'll love you forever and always Pablo.

Delaney <3

I instantly began to cry as I closed the letter.
There was no way this was true. I pulled my phone out to try and call her.

The number you are trying to reach is no longer in service. Please try again later.

"No! Fuck no!" I yelled now sobbing
"What's wrong?" Ferran said walking over to me
"She's gone" I sobbed
"Who?" He replied
"Delaney she left Barcelona and she's not coming back" I said
"Why would she leave, what do you mean?" He said now sitting down
"She thought we'd all be better of without her. All the drama with her and Pedri was too much for her"'I said putting my hands in my head.

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