chapter 19

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Gavi POV
I woke up with the worst hangover, but I still got up to get ready because we had practice today. I got up to shower and get myself ready. Usually my mom makes my breakfast so I just walked downstairs and served myself a plate before heading out.

It was rainy, which was the best weather to play in. I drove off to the training field.

When I got there about half of the team was already there. I jogged over to begin stretching.
Practice was about to start and Pedri still wasn't here. Which was weird because he was never late. Xavi was about to split us into teams when we all turned to see Pedri walking over.
"Good morning to you too. Nice of you to join us" Xavi said sarcastically to Pedri who didn't respond
"The hangover getting to you too?" I laughed and playfully shoved Pedri
"No" he said and just turned around. Must be on his days.
I ignored his attitude and paid attention to what Xavi was saying.

We were split into teams and Pedri and I ended up on the same team. We had to do a mini scrimmage. Pedri had the ball and I was open, I called for his name and he didn't pass it. He kept trying to run it through and ended up being slide tackled.
"What the hell!" I yelled throwing my hands up
"Dude he was literally open" Ferran laughed
"Pedro, what's going on with you today? There's no chemistry between you and your teammates. Let's pause this and we'll come back later. hopefully you've cleared your mind by then" coach said as we all walked over to grab some water and stretch again.
"Dude what's your problem?" I said to Pedri
"Nothing to talk about here" he replied
"Did you fix things with Delaney?" I asked
"Please don't say her name. We broke up, I don't want to think about her right now" he said clenching his jaw
"What the fuck, why? You guys were fine yesterday" I said now concerned
"Gavi please just stop. I don't want anyone to talk to me" he replied
"Woah what's going on over here?" Ferran said walking over
"I'm not in the mood for chatting" Pedri said trying to walk away
"Hey, we're all good friends. Talk to us we're a team" ferran said pulling Pedri back
"Don't fucking talk to me or touch me. Nobody, I just need some space" Pedri said shoving ferran.
"Woah Pedro, go home! Your out of the next game. Come back tomorrow when you've had your space" coach Xavi said walking over. I helped ferran up and sighed as we watched Pedri curse and walk away. I wonder how Delaney is taking this.

Delaney POV
When I finally woke up I had the worst headache. Partly my hangover and also my crying. I wasn't going out anytime soon so I just stayed in some pjs and watched tv. I turned my phone back on just in case of an emergency.

15 missed calls from Pepi ❤️❤️
3 texts from Gavi 💛
6 texts from Lena 🥳

I cleared off Pedro's notification and changed his contact name. I set my phone down and continued to watch the tv. I didn't want to have to explain everything to anyone right now, so I didn't respond.


It was already around noon when my doorbell rang. I did my best to ignore it but it continued to ring. I sighed as I got up to open the door. It was Gavi. I carefully opened the door and let him inside. Without saying a word he gave me a hug. I began to cry into his shoulder.
"I'm sorry this happened Nani. I hate seeing you upset" he said rubbing my back
I did my best to calm down and we walked over to the living room.
"I guess you heard" I said to gavi as I played with my ring
"Well he wasn't exactly in the best mood today during practice so he told me" Gavi replied
"Oh" I said as a tear ran down my cheek
I explained to Gavi our entire conversation.
"But I don't want this to affect you and his friendship. Please don't let it. It would break my heart" I said
"It won't. I promise, I hate seeing him upset too. I know he regrets it. But I also know he was wrong" Gavi replied
"Thanks for checking on me, you're the best"I said going over to give him a hug
"I'll always be here for you, you just give me a call" he replied kissing my forehead.
He got up to grab a drink and turned over to look at me.
"Please tell me you ate and already washed the dish" he looked concerned
"I'm not hungry" I replied turning the tv on
"Nani you need to eat, I know youre upset but life will keep moving. You cant just give up on everything" he said opening the fridge
"I'm at least making you a smoothie and you're going to drink it or I won't leave" he said. "Fine" I replied

It was already late in the afternoon and Gavi was still here.
"Your dad is going to kill Pedri when he finds out" Gavi laughed
"Actually you're the only person that knows. I've been ignoring Lena and I haven't seen my parents" I replied
"I think you owe it to at least your parents to tell them, if not your dad may bring it up tomorrow, we have a Spanish team meeting" Gavi sighed
"You're right. I'll call them over for dinner maybe" I said grabbing my phone
"That's a good idea. You need all the support you can get right now" he replied
I texted my parents inviting them over for dinner. They responded and said they would be over in half an hour.
"I don't even feel like cooking. Maybe I'll just order some food" I said sighing.
"Could you stay for dinner too?" I added looking at Gavi. He nodded.

About half an hour later my parents arrived and I began to make sure the food was ready. They rang the doorbell and Gavi went to open it.
"Hola Pablo it's nice to see you" my mom said hugging him
"You too" he smiled
"Gavi looking good as always" my dad laughed shaking his hand
Lucas and Martin ran up to Gavi and almost knocked him down.
"I missed you campeones!" Gavi smiled messing with their hair
"I'm so glad you invited us" my mom said hugging me, I held her a bit longer and I could see she sensed something was wrong.
"Hola hija, I've missed you" my dad said kissing my cheek as I hugged him tight as well

"I'll take Lucas and Martin to play in the guest room for a bit" Gavi said as he picked up Lucas and led Martin to the room. I nodded.
"Actually it wasn't random. There's something I have to tell you both" I said as tears began to fall down my cheek
"Hija what's wrong?" My dad said rubbing my back
"Pedri and I broke up this morning. We had a huge fight" I said now sobbing
"I'm so sorry, it's going to get better" my mom said hugging me
"What the hell did he do?" My dad said getting upset
"Calm down Íker, you'll only upset her more" my mom said. I calmed myself down a bit and began to explain everything that had been happening.
"But please don't be upset with him, especially you dad at practice. I know I shouldn't have accepted the opportunity if it was going to upset him" I added
"No mija, that wasn't your fault. A relationship is all about trust. Even we know how much you love Pedro and you wouldn't even think about ruining that with Joao" my mom said. I nodded.
"I'll try my best" my dad replied
"No dad, seriously you can't let it affect the team. I still care for him and we all know he's an amazing player, please" I said
"Fine. Only for you, I think its amazing that you can still say that about him" my dad said wiping my cheek
"Gavi came to check on me and he thought it would be good that we had dinner so I could tell you guys" I said
"He's a good friend. You keep those people close to you" my mom smiled motioning over to Gavi who was playing with the boys. I smiled, "he's the best"


Once we all calmed down and everything my mom and I began to serve the plates. We all sat down for dinner and for the first time today I felt like i hadn't thought about Pedri. I missed my family and my best friend and I was happy to have them here.

After dinner it was getting late, so everyone had to go home.
"Thanks for letting me stay. And please call me if you need anything at all" Gavi said hugging me
"I will, thank you for today.I'll never forget it" I smiled kissing his cheek. He said goodbye to my parents and siblings and walked out the door.
We began to clean up the kitchen. And my parents got ready to head out.
"I forgot to ask you, could you watch the boys next week? I have a meeting early morning on Wednesday" my mom said as she grabbed her purse
"Sure, I could pick them up on Tuesday night to they won't have to wake up early" I replied
"Yay! I'm so excited" Martin said jumping up and down
"Me too" I smiled kissing his cheek
"Great! We'll see you then" my mom smiled
"Let me know if you need anything, I'll be here right away" my dad said hugging me. I nodded
"Take care hija, we're only a short drive away if you need us" my mom added.
I hugged my brothers goodbye and waved as they walked out the door.

What a day. This isn't how I expected it at all to go. I sighed and walked over to get ready for bed. I wasn't tired but I just wanted to lay in bed and watch tv.
My phone began to rang as I was about to charge it.
Incoming call from: Pedro Gonzalez

I turned my phone over and silenced the call. I meant it when i said I didn't want to see or talk to him.

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