chapter 10

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Gavi POV

I woke up to the sound of crying. I opened my eyes but realized the sun was barley up. I looked at the clock, 5:15am.

I got up quickly and walked over to the room where Lucas and Martin were sleeping. I realized it was Lucas crying. I walked over and sat on his bed. "There, there. It's okay, what's wrong?" I said sitting him on my lap. I looked over and saw Martin sound asleep, he's just like Delaney, I swear they can sleep through anything. I chuckled at the thought.

Lucas continued to whimper, I kept rocking him back and forth to try and get him to calm down. I guess he had a nightmare. After a few minutes he still wasn't calming down, so I carried him out of the room to avoid Martin waking up.

"Let's get you some water" I smiled sitting him on the counter while I looked for his sippy cup. By now he had stopped crying, but I could tell he still wasn't happy. I handed him the cup, and carried him over to the living room. I laid back on the couch keeping him on my lap. I turned the tv on and we watched some cartoons.

Delaney POV

I woke up and realized that Gavi wasn't in bed. I grabbed my phone to check the time, 6:30am. Gavi and I were planning on leaving early to get back on time. I got up to use the bathroom and brush my teeth. I walked out to the living room to see Gavi and Lucas on the couch, watching tv.

"Buenos dias" I smiled going over to hug them both
"You're both up early" I added, sitting down next to them.
"I woke up to Lucas crying about an hour ago" Gavi replied
"Oh, what was wrong?" I pouted and looked over to Lucas
"My guess is a nightmare" Gavi said. I nodded.
"I guess we should eat a quick breakfast and start to head out" I yawned getting up.

I walked over to the kitchen to begin making breakfast. I made some oatmeal with fruit, as well as some smoothies.

I served everyone a bowl and their smoothie, and walked over to wake Martin.

"Martin, time to wake up" I said poking his cheek
He tossed and turned and finally gave in.
"Fine" He yawned getting up.
"Let's go eat some breakfast, we need to leave soon" I said as I began to walk out.

I walked back out to the kitchen and sat down. Gavi had already placed Lucas on his high chair and they were both eating. Martin walked out and sat down to eat as well.

Once we were all finished Gavi began to clean up the kitchen while I went to get the boys dressed. I brushed their teeth, washed their face and packed up their backpacks. They played in the living room while Gavi and I got ready.

Once we were all ready, we took all of our things to the car, got in and drove off.


We were still on our way back home, but only had about 20 minutes left.

"Thanks again for coming with us" I smiled looking at Gavi
"Again, anytime" He smiled back
"Maybe we can come back again with Pedri and the rest of the group" I said
"Yeah, that would be really fun" Gavi said
"So tomorrow is your big game, huh?" He smirked
"Yep, the semi-finals. And if we win the finals will be two days afterwards" I sighed
"So have you talked to your dad, will he be coming?"
"I'm not sure. He told me he would be coming, but you know him"
"I'm sure he'll come. Either way Pedri and I will definitely be there" He said placing his hand on mine
"That's what matters to me" I blushed


We finally arrived home, and we're all exhausted. It was only around 9:30am, so it felt weird to have already been up. I helped the boys out of their car seat and helped Gavi unload our things. We walked up towards the door, and Douglas let us enter.

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