chapter 49

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Delaney pov
We finally landed in Saudi Arabia after a pretty long flight. Mateo had fallen asleep in my arms, and we all walked off the plane. As soon as we stepped outside the boys were greeted with fans, I was prepared for the screaming and such so I had put some noise cancelling headphones on Mateo. He couldn't hear a thing.

"Aww he's so cute"
"Happy Birthday Mateo!"
"Gavi! Gavi!"

I walked over towards the car that was going to take us to the hotel. Gavi followed behind, but I motioned for him to go greet the fans.
"I'll be okay" I smiled and he nodded.
I placed Mateo carefully into his car seat and got inside besides him.

We waited for Gavi and Pedri who both got into the car as well. Eventually we drove off towards the hotel.
"So did you guys have any plans for the day? My parents really wanted to spend some time today with Mateo" pedri smiled looking at me.
"We were just going to take him down to the beach, but not until the afternoon" I replied
"Yeah, maybe you could take him now, and have him for the next few hours" Gavi said
"That's perfectly fine with me, is that okay with you?" Pedri said looking at me.
"Of course. I'm glad they want to spend time with him" I replied.

We got to the hotel and pedri grabbed the car seat. We only had a small suitcase that I could easily carry, and the boys had their book bags.

"So I'll see you guys later. Thanks again" pedri said as we entered the lobby.
"Text me if you need anything" I said and he nodded as he walked towards his room.
Gavi and I looked for our room and headed inside.
We placed everything on the counter and I laid on the bed.

"So..." Gavi said smirking
"So..." I smiled
"It's just the two of us" he said getting closer.
"Hmm don't think I'm going to just give in that easily" I laughed
"Oh yeah, we'll see about that" he smirked as he picked me up and placed me on top of him. We began to make out and one thing lead to another. Gavi loved passionately and he always made me feel special.


I woke up and it was already 5pm. I quickly got up and panicked.
"We overslept" I said laughing waking Gavi up.
"Sorry! I didn't even realize" he said getting up as well.

I looked at my phone

10 messages from Pedro Gonzalez 🙂

Pedro 🙂

hey, thanks again for letting us be with Mateo.

he woke up just fyi! He's very happy :)

let me know when you guys need him back

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let me know when you guys need him back


Are you guys okay?

Pls respond.

omg I'm so sorry pedro. We're okay haha just overslept. We're getting ready and we'll be over. He's so cute! 🥹

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