Chapter 30

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the same day

Delaney POV
Gavi and I walked out to the parking lot where Douglas was waiting.
"Are you sure you don't want to ride back with the guys?" I asked
"No I'm okay. Let's just go home, I've missed you" he smiled as we got to the car.

Douglas opened the door for us to get in the backseat and we quickly left the stadium before more people crowded around.

"Im sorry you didn't win, but you played a great game" I said leaning my head on his shoulder.
"I appreciate that, we did try very hard but I guess there was no better team today" he replied looking out the window.
"Yeah, I especially liked the part where you scored" I smirked
"Yeah that was my favorite part too. Especially seeing you in the stands cheering" he laughed kissing me.
"But anyways, let's talk about how your day went. We always talk about mine" he said smiling
"Well you know how media day gets the day of the match. It was pretty busy but it went well, I think. Ooh and guess what, Joao seems to have a new love interest" I replied
"No way, we'll see how long this one lasts" he laughed.
"She seems nice, she was at the game too. But you're right we'll see" I replied

We finally got to Gavis house, I decided to spend the night since I only had tomorrow left before I had to fly back.
"Thanks Douglas, have a good night" I said as I shut the door
"No problem, call me if you both need anything" he replied
"My parents should be home, so you'll get to see them" Gavi said as we walked up towards the front door, holding hands.

We entered the main living room, and walked passed into the kitchen. We walked in and Gavis mom sat at the kitchen island.
"I'm home!" Gavi yelled
"Buenas noches señora" i smiled going over to give her a hug.
"Buenas noches hija, It's so good to see you" she said. I nodded.
"Gavi, why dont you go ahead and take a shower, your dad and I are heading out but I can't wait with Delaney" she smiled.
"Okay, just don't embarrass me" he smiled kissing her cheek and walking upstairs.

I took a seat next to her.
"I know we dont see each other often. But i just wanted to thank you for everything. For being kind go me and for not making me feel guilty about the baby" I said looking down
"Hey, We're here to support you both. No matter what.  We understand the situation, and as long as you and Pablo are together, we'll love the child as our own grandchild. We're not here to judge you, besides It's what Pablo wants us to do. We just want our son happy, and you make him happy" she said
A tear fell down my face and I wiped it quickly. "That means a lot, thank you" I replied.

We had to tell his family and mine the truth. Because eventually if word got out that it wasn't his, it would hurt them even more.

We talked for a bit while we waited for Gavi. Eventually he and his father came downstairs.
"Buenas noches señor" i said getting up.
"I'm glad you're here, we've missed you" he replied hugging me.
"I see a small bump now" he smiled
"Yeah, time is moving quick" I replied
"Well, when do you plan to move back to Barcelona?" He asked grabbing some water
"Dad, dont pressure her" Gavi said shaking his head
"I havent thought about it too much, I love my job in Madrid, if i can get a job here in Barcelona it would be much easier" I replied. I grabbed Gavis hand to reassure him it was okay.
"Well im Sure Pablo can put in a good word for you here on the team" he said
"And i would appreciate that, but i wouldn't want the job just because im his girlfriend. I'll wait and see, if any other opportunity comes through" i replied. He nodded.
"Well That's a good thing to say. Very thoughtful" he said grabbing his things
"I'm sorry to leave in a rush, i wish we could spend more time but we have a flight to catch" he said.
"Yes we do have ti leave now" Gavis mom said getting up.

We said our goodbyes and they walked out the door.
"So now what" Gavi smiled leaning over the counter across from me
"I'm getting kinda hungry, why don't I make us some dinner" i smiled.
"Sounds good" he replied.

I got up to see what there was in the fridge and grabbed a few things.
"Need some help?" He said sitting on the counter
"No, that's okay" I replied


Once i finished getting dinner ready i set the table. Gavi served us each a plate and we got ready to eat.
"It smells amazing" he smirked
"I mean, im pretty amazing so..." I replied

" I replied

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Cena merecida para mi amor ❤️


We ate dinner and got the kitchen cleaned up.
We walked up to Gavis room, which was a bit of a mess.
"Wow i leave for a few weeks and this happens" i laughed
"At least you know that no other girl would dare step in here" he smirked
"They better not" i said jokingly. I helped him clean up a bit, and grabbed one of his tshirts.

I got into the shower and slipped his shirt on. When I walked back into the room he was already in bed watching tv. I slipped into his bed and wrapped my arms around him.

"I love being in bed with you like this, but i also miss our going out days" i pouted
"Actually, me too. But once the baby Is here we could always get a babysitter and go out every once in awhile" he replied
"I cant wait" i smiled
"Yeah, i know you've missed my dance moves" he replied
"Yeah right" i laughed.

We put a movie on and eventually fell asleep.

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