chapter 17

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Delaney POV

I woke up early today because I wanted to make sure everything was perfect. Joao texted me to be at the training field at noon and it was already 9am. I got up to shower and get ready. I put on a casual outfit and kept my hair down.

 I put on a casual outfit and kept my hair down

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I texted Pedri, like I did every morning.


I'm sorry about our conversation yesterday Pepi. I miss you and I hope we'll be okay.❤️

I'm sorry if I was rude. 😕We'll talk when I return. Good luck if you end up going through with this.

I am. I don't get what you don't understand.

I am not arguing over text.

Whatever. Good luck today, I know you'll be great. No matter what you know I support you and your dream.

My phone began to ring as Pedri called me. I did not want to ruin my day and argue so I did not pickup.
I threw my phone on the bed in anger. I thought a good night sleep would let him think things through, but I guess he really wants to be this petty. Whatever, screw him.

I went to brush my teeth before grabbing my phone again and walking towards the kitchen. I made some quick oatmeal for breakfast and ate a banana while I scrolled through instagram. Suddenly I got a text.


Buenos dias Nani. I heard the great news! I am so proud of you. I hope you have fun today. I miss you :(

I smiled at the message. Buenos dias ! I  miss you too. Thank you I really appreciate you saying that. I really needed it.

I know. I heard about you and Pedri. I'm sorry he's being difficult. But ignore him, he'll get over it. Just enjoy the moment today. I'll see you when we fly back tomorrow!

Not your fault Pablo. Mil gracias for being there for me. I hope to see you soon. Good luck at your match today. I'm sure you all don't need it either way :)

Thanks! It still means a lot.

Despite me trying my best, I did feel like Gavi and I  grew apart a bit. Even though he never made it feel that way. I know he wanted to respect Pedri and I's relationship so we never hung out alone anymore. I really miss it though.

I cleaned up my plate once I finished eating and grabbed my bag to walk out the door. I wanted to leave on time to have some time to spare at the field. I loaded my car with my things and went to turn the engine on. It kept sputtering and wouldn't start. That's when I realized... I had no gas. Ugh. Just my luck. I panicked and called Lena to see if I could get a ride.

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