chapter 5

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Delaney POV

Today I woke up and got ready to go out. Lena and I are going to meet up in the city to eat breakfast. I changed into a nice casual long dress, and wore some cute sandals. I straightened my hair and added some sunglasses.

I walked downstairs and noticed that Martin was already eating.

"Excited for your first day of school?" I asked as I kissed his forehead

"No, I want to go with papi to work" Martin pouted

"It'll be fun. You will meet friends, and you can even play soccer during your recreation time" I smiled trying to cheer him up

He shrugged his shoulders and continued eating.
I walked over to give my parents a hug before heading towards the door.
"Love you everyone. See you later" I yelled as I walked out the door.

I walked over to one of the cars we had, and drove off to Lena's house. It was only about a 15 minute drive. I listened to some Bad Bunny on the way there.

Finally I had reached Lena's house and sent her a text I was outside. She walked out not too long after and got in the car.
"Hey amiga" she said hugging me
"Goood morning" I smiled
"Wow someone's in a good mood" she nudged me
"I have some tea" I said pulling out of her driveway
"Ooh please do tell"
"Gavi gave me his number yesterday" I said smirking
"Omg no way! That's insane" she said freaking out
"I know, I know"
We finally reached the place where we were going to eat and parked the car. We stopped out and walked towards the entrance so we could be seated.
"I can't believe that actually happened" she said as I told her everything that happened yesterday
"Yeah, I know. He was so sweet" I said as we walked over the table
"I guess you're not just a regular person like me anymore" she said sarcastically
"Shut up. I'm not a celebrity or anything" I replied laughing
"Well, you're all over tv now that your dad will be coaching. Everyone saw you yesterday as you walked to the training camp. Your life is for sure changing now" she said
"Well I hope at least for the good.  But I'll never change" I smiled
"I know. Now let's eat" she said grabbing the menu

After we ordered we waited patiently for the food.
"So have you texted him?" Lena said
"Gavi duh" she replied
"Oh, no not yet. What do I even say?"
"I don't know, at least hey" she laughed
"Okay okay, let's see". I pulled out my phone and began a new message:

Gavi 🙂

Hola Gavi. It's me, Delaney.

Oh, hey! I was waiting for your text haha. I was worried I gave you  the wrong number

Oh, no. Sorry! I just had a busy afternoon yesterday. :)

"Omg no way he responded that quickly" Lena smirked
"He probably just is being nice" I replied

Gavi 🙂

No worries, I understand. I hope this isn't too forward or anything but I don't have any plans for tonight, if you want we can hang out.

Sure! That's cool with me. Should we meet somewhere? Or...?

Um, we'll I can't drive yet..haha. But I could ask my driver to pick you up, maybe around 6?

Sure! That's fine with me. I'll send you my address. See you then !

"Ooh nani has a date! " Lena said
"I totally forgot he's younger than me" I said
"Omg wait. You're so right, that's funny" she replied
"Either way, im still going to meet up with him"

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