chapter 60

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a few months later.
"Just a few more weeks amor. Hang in there okay?" Pablo says as he comforts me. We just left the doctors office, I've been feeling really sick with this pregnancy. Obviously I know it's twins, so it's much different than with Mateo. I've been so tired, not in the best mood. But I'm trying my best because I still have Mateo to look over, and obviously Pablo doesn't deserve to have to deal with my moodiness.
"I know. I'm doing my best" I reply. He grabs my hand and kisses it as we drive back home.

I lay back on the sofa to get some rest. Pablo hands me some water and sits beside me.
"Why don't we go out, just to the beach, relax a bit? Have some fun?" He suggests.
"I don't know. I really Don't feel like-"
"Come on princesa i promise it'll be fun. I think it'll be good to distract yourself for a bit. Just for the day" he replies.
"Well, what about your match tomorrow? You're going to be so tired"
"I'll be okay. I just want you to have some fun, please"
"Okay. Sure, let's go. We just have to wait for mateo"

He nods and helps me up from the sofa. We walk over to the bedroom to pack a bag. Mateo was with my dad and Lucas this morning. We wanted to get mateo into a futbol academy, since he loved playing with Gavi and pedri. He's been learning a lot from my father, and he has fun with Lucas being there too. It was just practice today, and my father says he's been doing really well. Their first match is soon, I just hope I'm not giving birth when the day comes.

The door bell rings as I'm getting changed, so Pablo walks out to open the door. I hear Mateo immediately, and I walk out to greet them.

"Mateo, how was practice?" I ask as I pull him in for a hug.
"So fun! He says with the biggest smile.
I greet Lucas and my father who just laugh and smile at Mateo and his comments. He definitely got most of his personality from Pedro. Very outgoing and making everyone laugh.
"So how are you feeling today?" My father asks concerned.
"Still tired and sick" I sigh.
"I wish I could do something to help. Just call us if you need anything though" my father replies. I nod and give him a hug.
"We're heading to the beach today, but I'll let you know" I reply.
Meet say our goodbyes as they walk out the door.
"Okay Mateo, let's get you a quick shower so we can go to the beach!" Pablo says, Mateo to get excited. I smile as I follow behind them.

Pablo gets him undressed and into the bathtub to shower since he's sweaty. In the meantime I pack his things in a small book bag and grab his clothes. I walk then back to the bathroom so we can get him dressed. Pablo has been so much more helpful with Mateo right now that I can barley move much.

Eventually we get all our things in the car, Mateo in the car, and get ready to head out. I take a quick nap in the car on the way there.


We arrive at the beach, and walk into my parents house. We set out things down and change into our bathing suits. We walk down to the beach like usual.

Immediately I'm feeling more at peace. The beach is obviously one of my favorite places. The sounds of the ocean, the feeling of the water at my feet. Instantly calms me down.

Delapaez posted on their story: brought the babies to meet the ocean 🩵

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Delapaez posted on their story: brought the babies to meet the ocean 🩵

"Mami when are the babies coming?" Mateo asks as he lays on my legs. We were all sitting in the sand, relaxing and taking a break from the water.
"Soon amor, why?"
"I want to play with them, and be their friend" he replies. Pablo and i look at each other and laugh quietly.
"They'll be here soon. Your hermanito and hermanita. And you're going to love them and take care of them" I smile and kiss his cheek.

Moments like these make the pain and suffering worth it. Like Pablo said, a few more weeks and it'll all be worth it. We sit with Mateo and build sandcastles, his favorite thing to do. But then he destroys them and has us build them again.

"Te amo princesa" Pablo says and leans over to kiss my lips.
"Yo también" i smile.
"I'm sorry you're in pain and suffering because of me" he pouts.
"Oh stop it Pablo! You know I'm happy" I reply.
He smiles, "I know but I hate that I can't make the pain go away"
"Like you said, just a few more weeks" I take a deep breath and try not to think about it.


Closer to the afternoon, we get ready to head back home. We had just ordered some pizza and finished eating. It was time for Mateo to go to bed, so hopefully he slept on the way home.

"I had a lot of fun today Pablo. Thank you" I smile and kiss his cheek.
"I'm glad. But just wait there's one more surprise" he winks.
I jokingly roll my eyes, what is it with him and surprises. I know not to beg him to tell me because he won't. I just wait anxiously as he drives off.

Eventually I see him take a wrong turn instead of going home, we arrive at a different neighborhood.
"Pablo, what are we doing here?"
"Just watch" he smiles.

We continue driving and pull into a driveway. The house has a sign that says "For Sale" but across it is another sign that says, "SOLD". He parks the car and grabs something from the door. He walks around and opens the door for me.

"Welcome to your new home princesa" he smiles. My eyes widen, and I'm in shock. I get out of the car slowly and take it all in.
"Are you serious Pablo?!"
"Yes. Here's the key" he smiles.
"Pablo this is so beautiful I can't believe it" I say, sobbing. It's probably my hormones but I'm so emotional. I never would have expected this.

"I'm sorry I kept it a secret but I wanted to surprise you

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"I'm sorry I kept it a secret but I wanted to surprise you. A bigger house for our growing family. A room for each of our kids, a family room, a pool, a field for them to practice futbol" he smiles as he faces me and holds my hands.
"I'm so happy amor. I can't believe this. I love you so much" I kiss him and can't help but smile.
"We can start moving our things tomorrow. Don't worry I hired some help, so you'll just have to tell us where everything goes" he replies.

Since Mateo is asleep, we decide not to go in tonight. We get back into the car and plan to come back tomorrow morning. The drive home is us planning the entire day tomorrow. I have so many ideas for each room. This is a dream come true. Finally a place big enough for all of us. Pablo's hard work he's spent on this. I couldn't have wished to be living this life with anyone else. Now we just wait for our two beautiful babies. What could go wrong?

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